I set this up in my code and it works fine. I try to download the URL from user library, and upload it to Firebase Storage through another function, but for videos over 5 minutes, it seems to take forever to download before uploading to the database, to the point where it seems like nothing is happening or going to happen. Is there any way I can track the progress of the download? If not, how can I at least quicken the process?
extension postingRViewController: PHPickerViewControllerDelegate
func picker(_ picker: PHPickerViewController, didFinishPicking results: [PHPickerResult]) {
picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
progressWheel.alpha = 1
for result in results {
print("made result")
var went = false
result.itemProvider.loadFileRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: UTType.movie.identifier)
{ videoURL, error in
result.itemProvider.loadFileRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: UTType.movie.identifier) { videoURL, error in
assert(Thread.isMainThread == false)
let directory = NSTemporaryDirectory()
let fileName = NSUUID().uuidString.appending(".mov")
went = true
if let videoURL = videoURL,
let copiedURLFile = NSURL.fileURL(withPathComponents: [directory, fileName]) {
try! FileManager.default.copyItem(at: videoURL, to: copiedURLFile)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// the videourl is deleted. Only copiedURLFile exists
// upload_to_firebase(video url)
self.uploadVideo(videoURL: copiedURLFile)
print("uploaded to the cloud")
// after the video is presented or the file uploaded, delete copiedURLFile
else { print(error!) }
CodePudding user response:
The issue happened due to nested loadFileRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier:)