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Delete From Statement in SQL 2014 Failing


I have a stored procedure that does some clean up on a database each morning. This is a Connectwise database (Company CRM) which we have access for reporting. It currently lives on a VM Server 2012 in Microsoft Azure. In a nutshell this stored procedure combines data from multiple records into one record and deletes all the combined records.

Background into the issue experienced. We are deleting a record from one table (parent), there are several other tables (child) with foreign keys to this table and they have not been setup with the cascade delete option. Our Stored Procedure goes through each one of the other child tables and deletes the records relating to the parent table. Turns out this script started failing in February and we are just now noticing (smh).

Error Message Received -

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Alter_SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value, Line 53 [Batch Start Line 93]
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

        SR_Service_RecID in (   select 
                                    SR_Service s
                                join SR_Board sb on sb.SR_Board_RecID=s.SR_Board_RecID
                                where sb.Board_Name like 'Collections' 
                                    and s.SR_Status_RecID != 511
                                    and cast(trim(left(right(s.Summary, len(s.Summary) - charindex('#',s.Summary)),5))as int)=@invoiceNumber
        and SR_Service_RecID != (   select 
                                        min (s.SR_Service_RecID)
                                        SR_Service s
                                    join SR_Board sb on sb.SR_Board_RecID=s.SR_Board_RecID
                                    where sb.Board_Name like 'Collections' 
                                        and s.SR_Status_RecID != 511
                                        and cast(trim(left(right(s.Summary, len(s.Summary) - charindex('#',s.Summary)),5))as int)=@invoiceNumber

SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value Table (1st column is an primary key, second and third are foreign keys):

SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value_RecID SR_Service_RecID User_Defined_Field_RecID User_Defined_Field_Value Last_Update_UTC Updated_By
5791 8009 30 ENGR 2022-04-18 jgriffin
5792 8009 51 NO 2022-04-18 jgriffin
5789 8240 30 ENGR 2022-04-18 jgriffin
5790 8240 51 NO 2022-04-18 jgriffin
5787 8420 30 ENGR 2022-04-18 jgriffin
5788 8420 51 NO 2022-04-18 jgriffin

Troubleshooting to date:

  1. I have simplified the delete statement to just delete based off of SR_Service_RecIDs without the additional select subqueries with no luck.
  2. I have tried to delete multiple records by SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value_RecID using the in statement with no luck. Where SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value_RecID in (5789,5787).
  3. I could delete using the in statement with just one recid in the list. Where SR_Service_User_Defined_Field_Value_RecID in (5789).
  4. I updated the FK SR_service_RecID to use cascade delete. I then tried to delete the one parent record and received the same error.

Trigger on this table:

  -- Code for delete 
  if exists(select * from deleted) and not exists(Select * from inserted)
    INSERT INTO [TruCWHistorian].[dbo].[CWHistorian]( [Table], [Object_RecID], [FieldName], [Old_Value], [New_Value], [Date_Updated], [Updated_By])
        (select User_Defined_Field_Value FROM deleted),
        '', -- no new value for deleted record case 
        '' -- no record of who made change in this case 
        deleted d
    join User_Defined_Field u on u.User_Defined_Field_RecID=d.User_Defined_Field_RecID

CodePudding user response:

In your trigger, this subquery is causing the problem (and there's no reason for it anyway, since with no correlation it returns all the rows from deleted):

(select User_Defined_Field_Value FROM deleted)

Why isn't it just:

INSERT INTO [TruCWHistorian].[dbo].[CWHistorian](...)
    '', -- no new value for deleted record case 
    '' -- no record of who made change in this case 
    deleted d
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