Home > Mobile >  I get a Error, but on other models it is working
I get a Error, but on other models it is working


I work with about the same ViewModels as other models. But on this one I get some error almost al of them are 'self' errors. I can't find where it come from.

See here te errors: enter image description here

And this I my code:

import SwiftUI
import Firebase
import Combine

class RouteViewModel: ObservableObject {
    // MARK: Filtered Array
    @Published var myRoutes: [Route]?
    // MARK: Raw All Notes
    @Published var allRoutes: [Route]?
    // MARK: Search Text
    @Published var searchText: String = ""
    // Combine Search
    var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil
    // MARK: New Note
    @Published var showAddRoutePopup: Bool = false
    @Published var boxNumberIdentificatie: [String]
    @Published var dateBringDate: Date
    @Published var customerIdentificatie: String = ""
    @Published var locationPlaceLogLat: GeoPoint
    // MARK: Alert
    @Published var showAlert: Bool = false
    @Published var alertMsg: String = ""
    // MARK: Edit Note
    @Published var editRoute: Route?
    // MARK: Log Status
    @AppStorage("log_status") var log_status: Bool = false
    // MARK: Logout Alert
    @Published var showLogoutPopup: Bool = false
        // Combine Search
        cancellable = $searchText.removeDuplicates()
            .debounce(for: 0.5, scheduler: RunLoop.main)
            .sink(receiveValue: { string in
                if string != ""{
                    self.filterRoutes(searchText: string)
                        self.myRoutes = self.allRoutes
    // MARK: Fetching Notes
    func fetchRoutes(){
        guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else{
            log_status = false
        let routesRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("Routes")
        routesRef.order(by: "lastModified", descending: true).addSnapshotListener { snapshot, err in
            guard let docs = snapshot?.documentChanges else{
            DispatchQueue.main.async {[self] in
                if allRoutes == nil{allRoutes = []}
                docs.forEach { doc in
                    if let route = try? doc.document.data(as: Route.self){
                        switch doc.type{
                        case .added: allRoutes?.append(route)
                        case .modified: updateRoute(route: route)
                        case .removed: removeRoute(route: route)
    func sortRoutes(){
        DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
            let sorted = self.allRoutes?.sorted(by: { first, second in
                return second.dateAdd < first.dateAdd
            DispatchQueue.main.async {[self] in
                allRoutes = sorted
                withAnimation(myRoutes == nil ? .none : .default){
                    myRoutes = allRoutes
    func filterRoutes(searchText: String){
        DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
            let filtered = self.allRoutes?.filter({ route in
                return route.customerId.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.myRoutes = filtered
    func addRoute(){
            showAddRoutePopup = false
        if customerIdentificatie == ""{return}
        let routesRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("Routes")
        if let editRoute = editRoute {
            routesRef.document(editRoute.id ?? "").updateData([
                "boxId": boxNumberIdentificatie,
                "dateBring": dateBringDate,
                "customerId": customerIdentificatie,
                "locationPlace": locationPlaceLogLat
        let route = Route(boxId: boxNumberIdentificatie, dateAdd: Date(), dateBring: dateBringDate, customerId: customerIdentificatie, locationPlace: locationPlaceLogLat)
            let _ = try routesRef.addDocument(from: route)
            alertMsg = error.localizedDescription
    func updateRoute(route: Route){
        if let index = myRoutes?.firstIndex(where: { currentRoute in
            return currentRoute.id == route.id
            allRoutes![index] = route
    func removeRoute(route: Route){
        if let index = myRoutes?.firstIndex(where: { currentRoute in
            return currentRoute.id == route.id
            allRoutes?.remove(at: index)
    func deleteRoute(){
        guard let editRoute = editRoute else {
        let routesRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("Routes")
        routesRef.document(editRoute.id ?? "").delete()
            showAddRoutePopup = false
    func clearData(){
        boxNumberIdentificatie = [""]
        dateBringDate = Date()
        customerIdentificatie = ""
        editRoute = nil

I hope somebody is seeing the problem what I didn't see. Thanks a lot.. :)

CodePudding user response:

Some of your properties -- dateBringDate and locationPlaceLogLat -- do not have default values and are thus uninitialized by the time you call fetchRoutes in the init method. To fix, you should initialize them at the start of init or provide default values:

@Published var dateBringDate: Date = Date()

Basically, the problem is that Swift requires you to initialize an object's properties before calling any of that object's methods. That rule prevents errors that would occur if, for example, fetchRoutes tried to access the value of dateBringDate.

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