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How can I convert this data set into an object


I would like to convert this data set into an object.

enter image description here

Intended outcome

let data = [
    "Year Group": "Year Six",
    "Sunday": [Girl's football],
    "Monday": [No clubs on this day],
    "Tuesday": [Girls Netball] 
    "Year Group": "Year Five",
    "Sunday": [Boys football],
    "Monday": [No clubs on this day],
    "Tuesday": [Girls Netball]

This data will then be used to create a branching Google form. If there is a better object structure in order to achieve this, please do let me know.

Thank you,

CodePudding user response:

Here is an example of how to sort and create groups by year.


function createGroups() {
  try {
    let days = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday"];
    let spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    let sheet = spread.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
    let values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
    let data = [];
    values.shift();  // remove headers
    // create year groups
    let groups = [...new Set(values.map( row => row[1] ))];
    console.log("groups = " groups)
    groups.forEach( group => {
        let activities = [[],[],[],[]];
        // sort by group
        let sorted = values.filter( row => row[1] ===  group );
        // nest sort by day
        sorted.forEach( activity => {
            let index = days.indexOf(activity[4]);
            if( index >= 0 ) activities[index].push(activity[0]);
        // now construct the object
        let object = { "Year Group": group };
        days.forEach( (day,index) => {
            if( activities[index].length === 0 ) {
              activities[index].push("No clubs on this day")
            object[day] = activities[index];
  catch(err) {

Execution log

9:34:27 AM  Notice  Execution started
9:34:28 AM  Info    groups = Year Five,Year Six,Year Seven,Year One,Year Two
9:34:28 AM  Info    [ { 'Year Group': 'Year Five',
    Sunday: [ 'Girls Football', 'Boys Football' ],
    Monday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Tuesday: [ 'Girls Netball' ],
    Wednesday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ] },
  { 'Year Group': 'Year Six',
    Sunday: [ 'Girls Football' ],
    Monday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Tuesday: [ 'Girls Netball' ],
    Wednesday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ] },
  { 'Year Group': 'Year Seven',
    Sunday: [ 'Girls Football', 'Boys Football' ],
    Monday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Tuesday: [ 'Girls Netball' ],
    Wednesday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ] },
  { 'Year Group': 'Year One',
    Sunday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Monday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Tuesday: [ 'Multi Sports' ],
    Wednesday: [ 'Gymnastics' ] },
  { 'Year Group': 'Year Two',
    Sunday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Monday: [ 'No clubs on this day' ],
    Tuesday: [ 'Multi Sports' ],
    Wednesday: [ 'Gymnastics' ] } ]
9:34:28 AM  Notice  Execution completed


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