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How to send array data as input in GraphQL query?


I'm learning GraphQL and for practice purpose I have developed a backend that would create a planner with the following inputs, tasks which is an array of type Task, dayDescription and waterGlassCount which are Strings. I'm getting issues in TypeDefinition.js where I have created an input with Tasks having the type [Task]. Please have a look at my TypeDefinition.js

const {gql} = require('apollo-server-express')

const typeDefs = gql`
  type Planner{
    id: ID
    tasks: [Task]
    dayDescription: String
    waterGlassCount: String
  type Task{
    id: ID
    taskDescription: String
    shouldStrike: Boolean
  type Query {
    getAllPlanners: [Planner]
    getPlanner(id:ID): Planner
    getAllTasksOfPlanner(id:ID): [Task]
    getEachTaskOfTasksOfPlanner(id: ID): Task
  input TaskInput{
    taskDescription: String
    shouldStrike: Boolean
  input PlannerInput{
    tasks: [Task]
    dayDescription: String
    waterGlassCount: String
  type Mutation {
    createPlanner(planner: PlannerInput) : Planner
    createTask(task: TaskInput): Task
    deletePlanner(id:ID): String
    deleteAllPlanners : String
    toggleStrike(id:ID): Task
    updatePlanner(id:ID, planner: PlannerInput): Planner
    deleteAllTasks(id:ID): String   

This is the code of Resolvers.js.

const Planner = require('./Models/PlannerModel');
const Task = require('./Models/TasksModel')

const resolvers = {
    Query: {
      getAllPlanners: async ()=>{
        return await Planner.find()
      getPlanner: async(parent, {id}, context, info)=> {
        return await Planner.findById(id)
      getAllTasksOfPlanner: async (parent, {id}, context, info) => {
        const planner = await Planner.findById(id);
        return planner.tasks
      getEachTaskOfTasksOfPlanner: async (parent, {id}, context, info) => {
        return await Task.findById(id)
      createPlanner: async(parent, args, context, info)=>{
        const { dayDescription, waterGlassCount} = args.planner
        const planner = new Planner({ dayDescription, waterGlassCount})
        await planner.save()
        return planner
      createTask : async(parent, {taskDescription, shouldStrike}, context, info) => {
        const task = new Task({taskDescription, shouldStrike})
        await task.save();
        return task
      deletePlanner: async (parent, {id}, context, info) => {
        await Planner.findByIdAndDelete(id);
        return 'Planner Deleted'
      deleteAllPlanners: async() => {      
        await Planner.deleteMany({})
      toggleStrike : async (parent, {id}, context, info) =>{
        const task = await Task.findById(id);
        task.shouldStrike = !task.shouldStrike
        return task
      updatePlanner: async(parent, args, context, info)=>{
        const {id}= args;
        const {tasks, dayDescription, waterGlassCount} = args.planner;
        const updates ={};
        if(tasks !== undefined){
          updates.tasks = tasks
        if(dayDescription!== undefined){
          updates.dayDescription = dayDescription
        if(waterGlassCount !== undefined){
          updates.waterGlassCount = waterGlassCount
        const planner = Planner.findByIdAndUpdate(id, updates, {new:true});
        return planner

  module.exports = resolvers;

The following is the code for PlannerModel and TaskModel

const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const PlannerSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  tasks: {
    type: Array,
  dayDescription: {
    type: String,
  waterGlassCount: {
    type: String,

const Planner = mongoose.model("planner", PlannerSchema);

module.exports = Planner;
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const TaskSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  taskDescription: {
    type: String,
    type: Boolean

const Task = mongoose.model("task", TaskSchema);

module.exports = Task;

The error I get in the terminal is "Error: The type of PlannerInput.tasks must be Input Type but got: [Task]". How do I resolve this issue?

CodePudding user response:

When you're using an input type, all fields inside this type must also be input types (or scalars). In your case Task is not an input type. Maybe it should be TaskInput?

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