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How to write a unit test that classes implementing a contract should pass


I am not sure if this is a valid question. It is difficult when you have a question but do not know related terms to type into search. So my searches are not yielding any meaningful result. I just want to know if it is a thing to write a unit test that classes that implement a contract should pass.

For example I want to define the following contract:

abstract class FooContract

    public function setup(): bool
        // General setup code

    abstract function run(): string;

A programmer can write a class named Baz which implements the contract thus:

class Baz extends FooContract

    public function run(): string
        // run code

I want to give the programmer a choice to not have to write a full test every time she implements FooContract. So I want to give the following set of unit tests to the programmer of the class Baz:

trait FooContractTest
    private function getInstanceOrFail()
        if (method_exists($this, 'getInstance')) {
            if (($instance = $this->getInstance()) instanceof FooContract) {
                return $instance;
        throw new Exception('Define the method getInstance() in your test. You should then return an instance of FooContract under test from getInstance');

    public function test_can_setup()

    public function test_can_run()
        $this->assertEquals('Done', $this->getInstanceOrFail()->run());

I want the programmer of Baz to run the test as follows:

class BazTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase
    use FooContractTest;

    public function getInstance()
        return new Baz;

My question is, is this a thing? Is there a better way to do it?

CodePudding user response:

It looks to me like you want to provide a set of reusable tests. A trait containing common tests seems like a fair solution to me.

Rename the trait to make it more clear what its purpose is e.g. CommonFooContractTests, FooContractCommonTests. Remember, naming it with a postfix "Test" may cause problems in PHPUnit because it may think it's a test. Using words like "Common" and "Tests" makes it a bit more clear.

I would make the instance dependency a requirement in the trait by using an abstract method with an expected return type and rename the instance getter to be trait specific factory method.

trait FooContractCommonTests
    abstract public function createFooContract(): FooContract;

    public function testCanSetup(): void

If you can't use a return a type, then use a test to evaluate the expected type and make all other tests depend on it:

trait FooContractCommonTests
    abstract public function createFooContract();

    public function testGetInstanceIsInstanceOfFooContract(): void
        $this->assertInstanceOf(FooContract::class, $this->createFooContract());

     * @depends testGetInstanceIsInstanceOfFooContract
    public function testCanSetup(): void

Other than that I don't see much wrong with using a common tests trait, even with the way you already implemented it using getInstanceOrFail, it's not so bad, though I do think the abstract method with expected return type is the cleanest and most clear implementation.

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