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Selected Range to upper case Using VBA


Trying to run this code but is giving me an error according to my point of view it should work but unable to understand what is the actual issue.

I hope someone can help.

Error is Compile error: Expected Function or Variable

on this line rng.Value = makeUpper(rng.Value)

Sub Uppercasecells()
    Dim rng As Range

    For Each rng In Selection
        rng.Value = makeUpper(rng.Value)
    Next rng
End Sub

Sub makeUpper(rng As Range)
    Dim v As Long, vUPRs As Variant
    With rng
        vUPRs = .Value2
        For v = LBound(vUPRs, 1) To UBound(vUPRs, 1)
            vUPRs(v, 1) = UCase(vUPRs(v, 1))
        Next v
        .Cells = vUPRs
    End With
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

  • makeUpper is a subroutine and does not return anything, unlike a Function.
  • makeUpper expects a Range but you're passing it rng.Value.
  • vUPRs will not be an array if rng is a single cell.
  • Note that you only loop through the first dimension (rows) of vUPRs (left that way if that's intended).


Sub Uppercasecells()
    makeUpper Selection
End Sub

Sub makeUpper(rng As Range)
    Dim v As Long, vUPRs As Variant

    With rng
        If .CountLarge = 1 Then
            ' create array if rng is a single-cell
            ReDim vUPRs(1 to 1, 1 to 1)
            vUPRs(1, 1) = .Value2 
            vUPRs = .Value2
        End If

        For v = LBound(vUPRs, 1) To UBound(vUPRs, 1)
            vUPRs(v, 1) = UCase(vUPRs(v, 1))
        Next v

        .Value2 = vUPRs
    End With
End Sub

If you want to loop through the second dimension of vUPRs, then:

    Dim v as Long, w As Long, UPRs as Variant
        For v = Lbound(vUPRs, 1) to UBound(vUPRs, 1)
            For w = LBound(vUPRs, 2) to UBound(vUPRs, 2)
                vUPRs(v, w) = UCase(vUPRs(v, w))
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