Why surround template parameters with parentheses when require clause
is surrounded by parentheses ?
template(typename This, typename Receiver)
(requires same_as<remove_cvref_t<This>, type> AND
receiver<Receiver> AND
constructible_from<std::tuple<Values...>, member_t<This, std::tuple<Values...>>>)
friend auto tag_invoke(tag_t<connect>, This&& that, Receiver&& r)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<std::tuple<Values...>, member_t<This, std::tuple<Values...>>>)
-> operation<Receiver, Values...> {
return {static_cast<This&&>(that).values_, static_cast<Receiver&&>(r)};
from libunifex
CodePudding user response:
Why surround template parameters with parentheses when require clause is surrounded by parentheses ?
The template(typename This, typename Receiver)
part you see is actually a macro, which is defined as:
#define template(...) \
template <__VA_ARGS__> UNIFEX_PP_EXPAND \
#define template(...) \
which is used to simplify template definitions with the suffix UNIFEX_PP_EXPAND