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howto retrieve asp.net appSettings key from front-end .js file using knockout.js


I have an asp.net backend application and i am using web.config and other files to store configuration keys.

I have a front-end built with javascript files using knockout.js.

We would like to know how can we retrieve key value from web.config in backend and read this value in front-end using javascript and knockout.js.

Is there a simple way to do this ???, Views are javascript files and not asp.net web pages

CodePudding user response:

  • You can render values directly to JavaScript <script> in your view/HTML/page files.
    • And then any JavaScript (with or without Knockout, jQuery, React, Redux, AngularJS, Angular2 , whatever) can access those values immediately.
  • IMPORTANT: Be sure to correctly JS-encode (not HTML-encode!) C#/.NET String values when rendering them as JavaScript string literals! ...otherwise backslashes and quotes will be rendered literally which will break your rendered <script> element and likely introduce significant XSS vulnerabilities.

For Razor .cshtml in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET 4.x WebPages:

(I assume your <head> is in _Layout.cshtml)

@using System.Configuration
@using System.Web.Configuration


var myAppSetting = '@( HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode( WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myAppSetting"], addDoubleQuotes: false ) )';


For ASP.NET WebForms .aspx/.ascx/.master and/or ASP.NET MVC 1.x and 2.x using the WebForms ASPX View Engine:

  • (I assume your <head> is in Layout.master)
  • Use <%= instead of <%: to render directly, btw.
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Configuration" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Configuration" %>

var myAppSetting = '<%= HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode( WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myAppSetting"], addDoubleQuotes: false ) %>';


For ASP.NET Core MVC's Razor .cshtml views:

  • Use @inject IConfiguration to get immediate access to .NET Core's appSettings.
  • You can continue to use HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(...) in ASP.NET Core (including .NET 6).
    • ...but the preferred API is now System.Text.Encodings.Web's JavaScriptEncoder.Default.Encode(...) - and you need to add your own outer delimiting quotes too.
  • Like so:
@using System.Text.Encodings.Web
@inject IConfiguration Config


var myAppSetting = '@( JavaScriptEncoder.Default.Encode( this.Config.GetValue<String>("appSettings:myAppSetting") )';


Any script (except ES Modules, I think?) can access myAppSetting via the implicit global (aka window) object, as all top-level var declarations become global properties.

So like so:

document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {

    alert( "myAppSetting: \""   window.myAppSetting   "\"" );

} );
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