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Foreach loop with two lists for corresponding rows (perl)


I would like some help in what it seems to be a simple issue in a perl script.

I have two lists as follows. Both have the same amount of rows, and the first row of list1 corresponds to the first row of list2 and so on.





I want to write a perl script to run programs that calls files with names starting with rows of list1. In one of these programs, I have to consider the content of list2, but doing this only for the correspondent row in list1.

This is what I have tried:

perl test.pl list1 list2


#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $lib = $ARGV[0];
my $cov = $ARGV[1];

chomp $lib;
chomp $cov;

open(INPUT, "$lib");
my @lib = <INPUT>;

foreach my $i (@lib){
        chomp ($i);

        `samtools fasta $i\.sorted.bam > $i\.fasta`;
        `jellyfish count -m 80 -L $cov -s 275M -t 10 -C -o $i\.jf $i\.fasta`;
        `jellyfish histo $i\.jf > $i\.histo`;


The first program (samtools) is executed correctly, but the second is not because it can't read what is inside variable $cov.

In other words, I would like that option -L from jellyfish count be "30" for "car" and "40" for "ball", but I couldn't make it.

CodePudding user response:

Here is the solution:

use strict; use warnings;

use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
my ($file1, $file2) = ($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);

my @file1_lines = read_file($file1);
my @file2_lines = read_file($file2);

if ($#file1_lines == $#file2_lines) {
    foreach my $element (0..$#file1_lines){
        my $lib = $file1_lines[$element]; chomp $lib;
        my $cov = $file2_lines[$element]; chomp $cov;
        print "samtools fasta ".$lib."\.sorted.bam > ".$lib."\.fasta\n";
        print "jellyfish count -m 80 -L ".$cov." -s 275M -t 10 -C -o ".$lib."\.jf ".$lib."\.fasta\n";
        print "jellyfish histo ".$lib."\.jf > ".$lib."\.histo\n";
} else {
    print "$file1 and $file2 doesn't have same number of lines\n";

Here I have used File::Slurp to read entire content of the file into an array. So you must have File::Slurp Perl module in your environment.

Both the file contents are being stored in a two different arrays called @file1_lines and @file2_lines respectively.

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  • perl
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