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Query broken after spring boot upgrade from 2.6.x to 2.7.x



      @RequestParam(value = "term", required = false) String term,
      @SortDefault(sort = X_.NAME, direction = Direction.ASC) Pageable pageable) {
    Page<SomeResult> results = findSome(..., pageable)


      SELECT x FROM X x
      WHERE x.fieldId IN (:fieldIds)
          AND ((:statusList) IS NULL OR t.status IN (:statusList))
          AND (:term IS NULL OR LOWER(x.name) LIKE :term OR LOWER(x.code) LIKE :term)
          AND (:excludeId is NULL OR NOT EXISTS (
              FROM Y y
              WHERE y.id.someId = x.id
                AND y.id.someOtherId = :excludeId
  Page<X> findSome(
      Set<Long> fieldIds,
      List<Status> statusList,
      String term,
      Long excludeId,
      Pageable pageable);


ERROR org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ErrorTracker -  Invalid path: 'y.name'
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Invalid path: 'pt.name' [SELECT x FROM com.package.X x
WHERE t.fieldId IN (:fieldIds)
    AND ((:statusList) IS NULL OR t.status IN (:statusList))
    AND (:term IS NULL OR LOWER(x.name) LIKE :term OR LOWER(x.code) LIKE :term)
    AND (:excludeId is NULL OR NOT EXISTS (
        SELECT y FROM com.package.Y y
        WHERE y.id.someId = x.id
          AND y.id.someOtherId = :excludeId
 order by y.name asc];

The pageable acts on the inner FROM Y y.... If i remove that part, it works as expected.

This doesn't happen on spring boot 2.6.3 from which i'm upgrading. I'm using postgresql v14

CodePudding user response:

It seems there were/are some issues with queries when they're part of a multi-lined java string block.

Check this issue in spring data jpa project

The workaround that i've found to make it work was to change the layout of the query from

      SELECT x FROM X x
      WHERE x.fieldId IN (:fieldIds)
          AND ((:statusList) IS NULL OR t.status IN (:statusList))
          AND (:term IS NULL OR LOWER(x.name) LIKE :term OR LOWER(x.code) LIKE :term)
          AND (:excludeId is NULL OR NOT EXISTS (
              FROM Y y
              WHERE y.id.someId = x.id
                AND y.id.someOtherId = :excludeId


      SELECT x FROM X x
      WHERE x.fieldId IN (:fieldIds)
          AND ((:statusList) IS NULL OR t.status IN (:statusList))
          AND (:term IS NULL OR LOWER(x.name) LIKE :term OR LOWER(x.code) LIKE :term)
          AND (:excludeId is NULL OR NOT EXISTS 
          ( FROM Y y WHERE y.id.someId = x.id AND 
           y.id.someOtherId = :excludeId)
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