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how to change volume on the left/right side of a audio JavaScript?


how to make onclick the sound start only on a side of the earphones

like for example right or left.

something like this: https://www.onlinemictest.com/sound-test/

so if it plays the sound on the left it, the right earphone doesn't need to make any sound.

I think it can be done by using volumes or something like that. how to do that?

(I can't edit the sound in a video editor, I want it will automatically done by javascript)

function playSound(options) {
  const choosedDirection = () => {
    return Object.keys(options)
        (direction) => direction === "left" || direction === "right",

  const audio = new Audio("audio.mp3");

  switch (choosedDirection()) {
    case "left":
      // how to make here play only on the left side
      // by making the volume high on the left and 0 on the right
    case "right":
      // how to make here play only on the right side
      // by making the volume high on the right and 0 on the left
  <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com/"></script>

<body >
  <div >
    <div >
    <!-- left -->
      <button title="           
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