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Lk msm8953 Recovery support upgrade


Qualcomm's own SDK not upgrade the function of the lk, but sometimes also need to upgrade lk, such as the company's factory machine burning the adb is not allowed in the boot of remount, debugging and sometimes customers need to use this feature, I see online said./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files py the -u option, but I didn't see this option in the SDK
Now need to do is:
1. Make the emmc_appsboot. When otapackage MBN packed into the ota
2. The Recovery of the upgrade will emmc_appsboot. MBN cover off before aboot

1. Modify the recovery. Fstab
File is located in the device/end/msm8953_64/recovery. The fstab, we need to add aboot partition mount, if you don't add this at the time of ota upgrade kit will test but
/dev/block/bootdevice/by name/system/system corruption ro, barrier=1 wait 
/dev/block/bootdevice/by - name/cache/cache corruption noatime, nosuid, nodev, barrier=1, data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ordered wait, check
/dev/block/bootdevice/by name/userdata/data corruption noatime, nosuid, nodev, barrier=1, data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ordered, noauto_da_alloc wait, check, length=- 16384
/dev/block/mmcblk1p1/sdcard vfat nosuid, nodev wait
/dev/block/sda1/udisk vfat nosuid, nodev wait
/dev/block/bootdevice/by - name/boot/boot emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/bootdevice/by - name/recovery/recovery emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/bootdevice/by - name/misc/misc emmc defaults defaults
/dev/block/bootdevice/by - name/aboot aboot emmc defaults defaults

2. Since hanging on to aboot, so we have to create a aboot file node, find the bootable/recovery/etc/init. Rc add generated aboot directory, this step is convenient, also don't know the actual need
 on init 
Export ANDROID_ROOT/system
Export ANDROID_DATA/data


The mkdir/sdcard
The mkdir/udisk
The mkdir/system
The mkdir/data
The mkdir/cache
The mkdir/sideload
The mkdir/firmware
The mkdir/aboot

Chown root shell/TMP
Chmod 0775/TMP
Chmod 0775/aboot

3. Modify the build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files py upgrade kit file
 1. In the OPTIONS=common. Behind the OPTIONS to add a uboot OPTIONS 

OPTIONS. Package_key=None
OPTIONS. Payload_signer_args=[]
OPTIONS. Uboot=None

2. In def option_handler (o, a) : function to add the -u option

Elif o=="-- payload_signer" :
OPTIONS. Payload_signer=a
Elif o=="-- payload_signer_args" :
OPTIONS. Payload_signer_args=shlex. Split (a)
Elif o in (" -u ") : # add by liaocj upgrade lk
OPTIONS. Uboot=a
The else:
Return False
Return True

3. com mon. Adding analytical -u ParseOptions opt
Args=common. ParseOptions (argv __doc__,
Extra_opts="bu: k: I: d: wne: t: a: 2 o",

4. Add lk files written to ota. Zip in order
In def WriteFullOTAPackage (input_zip output_zip) : behind the function in the boot. Img add

Common. CheckSize (boot_img data, "boot. Img," OPTIONS. An info_dict)
Common. ZipWriteStr (output_zip, "boot. Img", boot_img data)

Script. ShowProgress (0.05, 5)
Script. WriteRawImage ("/boot ", "boot. Img")

Script. ShowProgress (0.2, 10)

# add by liaocj upgrade to lk beg
If the OPTIONS. Uboot is not None:
Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/open (OPTIONS. Uboot, "rb"). The read ()
Common. CheckSize (data, "aboot. Img" OPTIONS. An info_dict)
Common. ZipWriteStr (output_zip, "aboot. Img", data)
Script. WriteRawImage ("/aboot ", "aboot. Img")
Script. ShowProgress (0.4, 20)
# add by liaocj upgrade to lk end

5. Modify the build/core/Makefile, so that we can make the execution otapackage automatically generates the
@ echo "Package OTA: $@"
./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files -v \
- block \
- no_prereq \
- p $(HOST_OUT) \
- k $(KEY_CERT_PAIR) \
$(if $(UPGRADE_UBOOT), - u $(PRODUCT_OUT)/emmc_appsboot MBN) \
$(if $(OEM_OTA_CONFIG), - o $(OEM_OTA_CONFIG)) \

6. Check the compiled the ota packages
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