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Carousal view with multiple items without databinding


How do I set static text as Carousal view items instead of doing data binding? Here in the below code I am trying to have Page 2 appear when the user swipes to the left. This code says The property ItemTemplate is set more than once

    <StackLayout Margin="10">
                        <Label Text="Page 1"/>
                        <Label Text="Page 2"/>

CodePudding user response:

If you want to set the items statically in xaml itself without data binding you can use Array markup extension of type string:

   <StackLayout Margin="10">
                <x:Array Type="{x:Type sys:String}">
                    <sys:String>Page 1</sys:String>
                    <sys:String>Page 2</sys:String>

                        <Label Text="{Binding .}" />

PS: Don't forget to add the required xaml namespace:

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