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const char* to WCHAR?


hi I need a WCHAR or some other LPCWSTR for the textout function. I have another function that outputs a string:

string run_TypeSt(char op_Sel) {
switch (op_Sel) {
case 'm'://model
    searchv_Str = "boatsmodel_s";
    return parseFilestr(42, true);

case 't'://type (this is going to be really tricky)

case 'i'://make
    searchv_Str = "boatsmake_s";

parseFilestr just returns a string:

string parseFilestr(int start, bool tweak) 

//lots of omitted code here
string info_Str = "hello";
return info_Str;//return the requested data

my header file looks like this:

#pragma once
#include <string>
    int parseFilenum(int start, bool tweak);
    int run_Type(char op_Sel);
    std::string parseFilestr(int start, bool tweak);
    std::string run_TypeSt(char op_Sel);

The execution looks like this:

#include <string>

using namespace std;

string var;

int APIENTRY wWinMain(...)
var = run_TypeSt('m');

 case WM_PAINT:

        TextOut(hdc, 5, 5, var, 6);// issue here, var is not compatible with TextOut. Solutions?

The stupid question is, how do I change var to a type that will work with TextOut? Or maybe there is an alternative to textout? Ive been busting my head over this and can't seem to figure it out. Thanks

CodePudding user response:

Use TextOutA instead. It takes an ANSI string (a [const] char *).

That said, read up on Unicode and the options that you have for widechar/char interaction. In the long run, the whole program should probably be written with widechars, except for the bits where you interact with multibyte filename and wire formats.

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

std::string FromWideString(const std::wstring& WIDESTRING)
   std::string result;
   size_t widelength = WIDESTRING.length();
   char* temp = new char[widelength 2];
   temp[widelength 1]=NULL;
   size_t res = wcstombs(temp, WIDESTRING.c_str(), widelength 1);
   if (res != (size_t) -1)
   delete temp;
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