I came across this bizarre behaviour while trying to assign a value to a parameter of a function that is then reused inside onClick event and in other parts of my code.
I have a function fctClearAllInputs
that clears values from input and has to show a confirmation popup depending on where it's called from.
When fctClearAllInputs(true)
is called inside $("#idBtnCallClearFunction")
onClick event, the parameter blnClearWithoutConfirmation
is evaluated to true correctly.
However, when fctClearAllInputs
is called inside $(".clearAllInputs")
onClick event, its parameter blnClearWithoutConfirmation
is an object and is not properly evaluated (an object value is truthy in JS: !!{} == true
Setting a default value for blnClearWithoutConfirmation
to false
is ignored
If I change fctClearAllInputs
to fctClearAllInputs(false)
inside $(".clearAllInputs")
, then the parameter blnClearWithoutConfirmation
is correctly set to false
, but the buttons with class clearAllInputs
are not clickable anymore.
What is this behaviour and how can I pass a value to a parameter of a function called inside a JQuery event and evaluated it correctly inside my function ?
See code below
$(document).ready(function() {
const fctClearAllInputs = function (blnClearWithoutConfirmation = false) {
console.log(`blnClearWithoutConfirmation: '${JSON.stringify(blnClearWithoutConfirmation)}'`);
console.log(`Convert to bool: '${!!blnClearWithoutConfirmation}'`);
//blnClearWithoutConfirmation inside 'fctClearAllInputs(false)' is true but button will not be clickable
//blnClearWithoutConfirmation inside 'fctClearAllInputs' is an object evaluated to true but button will be clickable
// blnClearWithoutConfirmation==true => clear inputs without confirmation popup
if (!!blnClearWithoutConfirmation) {
// clear inputs
// blnClearWithoutConfirmation==false => show confirmation popup then clear if user accepts
else {
// show popup
// clear inputs
// set onclick event to all buttons with class 'clearAllInputs'
$(".clearAllInputs").on("click", fctClearAllInputs); //fctClearAllInputs(false)
// button to call clear function and also do other things
$("#idBtnCallClearFunction").on("click", function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js" integrity="sha512-894YE6QWD5I59HgZOGReFYm4dnWc1Qt5NtvYSaNcOP u1T9qYdvdihz0PPSiiqn/ /3e7Jo4EaG7TubfWGUrMQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<button >Clear All Inputs #1</button>
<button >Clear All Inputs #2</button>
<button id="idBtnCallClearFunction">
Call Clear Function
CodePudding user response:
jQuery passes the Event
object as the argument when it calls the function directly, so the default won't be used. You should use your own anonymous function like you do in the other handler.
// set onclick event to all buttons with class 'clearAllInputs'
$(".clearAllInputs").on("click", function() {
}); //fctClearAllInputs(false)
// button to call clear function and also do other things
$("#idBtnCallClearFunction").on("click", function() {