I am using some code I found to group a log by sessionid's then format them and display them into a new file. However, part of the fields within some groups are not available and appear in the groupings in the output as "null". How would I exclude an entire group if one of the fields contains null or incomplete group fields?
| Group sessionid | Foreach-Object {
$jsonTemplate = [pscustomobject]@{
time = [pscustomobject]@{ start = ''; duration = '' }
sessionid = ''
client = ''
messageid = ''
address = [pscustomobject]@{from = ''; to = ''}
status = ''
$start = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'message-id').time
$end = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'status').time -as [datetime]
$jsonTemplate.time.start = $start
$jsonTemplate.time.duration = ($end - ($start -as [datetime])).ToString()
$jsonTemplate.sessionid = $_.Name
$jsonTemplate.client = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'client').data
$jsonTemplate.messageid = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'message-id').data
$jsonTemplate.address.from = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'from').data
$jsonTemplate.address.to = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'to').data
$jsonTemplate.status = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'status').data
[regex]::Unescape(($jsonTemplate | convertTo-Json))
For this output I Want it to check if any of the fields are missing information and exclude it from the end output.
CodePudding user response:
Not the most beautiful piece of code, but something like this should work
If(($_.Name -ne $Null -or $_.Name -ne "") -or (($_.Group | where key -eq 'client').data -ne $Null -or ($_.Group | where key -eq 'client').data -ne "") -or (($_.Group | where key -eq 'message-id').data -ne $Null -or ($_.Group | where key -eq 'message-id').data -ne "") -or (($_.Group | where key -eq 'from').data -ne $Null -or ($_.Group | where key -eq 'from').data -ne "") -or (($_.Group | where key -eq 'to').data -ne $Null -or ($_.Group | where key -eq 'to').data -ne "") -or (($_.Group | where key -eq 'status').data -ne $Null -or ($_.Group | where key -eq 'status').data -ne "") -or )
$jsonTemplate.time.start = $start
$jsonTemplate.time.duration = ($end - ($start -as [datetime])).ToString()
$jsonTemplate.sessionid = $_.Name
$jsonTemplate.client = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'client').data
$jsonTemplate.messageid = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'message-id').data
$jsonTemplate.address.from = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'from').data
$jsonTemplate.address.to = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'to').data
$jsonTemplate.status = ($_.Group | where key -eq 'status').data
[regex]::Unescape(($jsonTemplate | convertTo-Json))
It checks each for null or empty
CodePudding user response:
This might work. Sorry, I don't have data to test it.
| $Groups = Group-Object -Property sessionid
# Create an empty array to fill
$Array = @()
# Loop over each group
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
# Create an object
$jsonTemplate = [pscustomobject]@{
time = [pscustomobject]@{ start = ''; duration = '' }
sessionId = ''
client = ''
messageId = ''
address = [pscustomobject]@{from = ''; to = ''}
status = ''
# Get the group's data
$Data = $Group.Group
# messageId
$messageId = $Data | Where-Object {$_.key -eq 'messageId'}
if ($messageId) {
$jsonTemplate.messageId = $messageId.data
[datetime]$start = $messageId.Time
} else {continue}
# status
$status = $Data | Where-Object {$_.key -eq 'status'}
if ($status) {
$jsonTemplate.status = $status.data
[datetime]$end = $status.Time
} else {continue}
# sessionid
if ($Group.Name) {$jsonTemplate.sessionid = $Group.Name} else {continue}
# client
$client = $Data | Where-Object {$_.key -eq 'client'}
if ($client) {$jsonTemplate.client = $client.data} else {continue}
# from
$from = $Data | Where-Object {$_.key -eq 'from'}
if ($from) {$jsonTemplate.address.from = $from.data} else {continue}
# to
$to = $Data | Where-Object {$_.key -eq 'to'}
if ($to) {$jsonTemplate.address.to = $to.data} else {continue}
# Add to array
$Array = $jsonTemplate
# Convert the array
$json = $Array | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
# Do stuff with the json