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Android novel readers how to identify different coding to overcome


Only ANSI encoding of the text to open, the rest of the code will cause the code

The code is as follows:
Private void saveChapter (File book, String md5) throws IOException {
String regex="chapter first. {1, 7}. {0} \ r \ n";

The String encoding;
InputStream fis.
String inn;

FileInputStream fiss=new FileInputStream (book);
Inn=readShaderFromRawResource (fiss);
Fis=new ByteArrayInputStream (inn. GetBytes (" utf-8 "));
Byte [] buf=new byte [4096].
UniversalDetector detector=new UniversalDetector (null);
Int nread;
While ((nread=fis. Read (buf)) & gt; 0 & amp; & ! The detector. IsDone ()) {
The detector. The handleData (buf, 0, nread);
The detector. DataEnd ();
Encoding=detector. GetDetectedCharset ();
If (encoding==null | | encoding. The length ()==0)
Fis. Close ();

Int chapterPageIndex=0;
String title=null;
The StringBuilder contentBuilder=new StringBuilder ();
Fiss=new FileInputStream (book);
Inn=readShaderFromRawResource (fiss);
Fis=new ByteArrayInputStream (inn. GetBytes (" utf-8 "));
InputStreamReader inputreader=new InputStreamReader (fis, encoding);
BufferedReader buffreader=new BufferedReader (inputreader);
The String line;
While ((line=buffreader readLine ())!=null) {
The Pattern p=Pattern.com running (regex);
The Matcher m=p. atcher (line);
If (m. ind ()) {
String temp=line. Trim (). The substring (0, line. Trim (). The indexOf (" first "));
If (temp!=null & amp; & Temp. The trim (). The length () & gt; 0 {
ContentBuilder. Append (temp);

If (contentBuilder. ToString (). The length () & gt; 0 {
If (contentBuilder. ToString (). ReplaceAll (" ", ""). The trim (), length () & gt; 0 {

SaveDurChapterContent (md5, chapterPageIndex, title, contentBuilder. ToString ());
ContentBuilder. Delete (0, contentBuilder. Length ());
Title=line. Trim (). The substring (line. The trim (). The indexOf (" first "));

} else {
If (line. Trim (). The length ()==0) {
If (contentBuilder. Length () & gt; 0 {

ContentBuilder. Append (" \ r \ n \ u3000 \ u3000 ");

} else {
ContentBuilder. Append (" \ r \ u3000 \ u3000 ");

} else {

String lines=line. Replace (" ", "\ r \ n");

ContentBuilder. Append (lines);

If (title==null) {
Title=line. Trim ();

If (contentBuilder. Length () & gt; 0 {
SaveDurChapterContent (md5, chapterPageIndex, title, contentBuilder. ToString ());
ContentBuilder. Delete (0, contentBuilder. Length ());
Buffreader. Close ();
Inputreader. Close ();
Fis. Close ();
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