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Making variables have letters in CMD Batch


So I wanna make a language system for my game, and so I want to use variables for that. But I can't, because I can't make variables have letters. Can anyone help me with that? Instead of showing what's in the variable it just shows "0". Here's the code.

echo 1.English
echo 2.Espanol
echo 3.Francais
echo 4.Italiano
echo 5.Deutsch
set /p language=
if %language%==1 goto setenglish
if %language%==2 goto setspanish
if %language%==3 goto setfrench
if %language%==4 goto setitalian
if %language%==5 goto setgerman

set /a loadingtitle=Loading
set /a welcometitle=Welcome to the Whitefield Street
set /a pressanykeytoplay=Press any key to play
echo Offset Selected Language: English >>lang.c
goto loading

echo %loadingtitle% %percent%...
ping localhost -n 2 >null
set /a percent =9
goto loading0

echo %loadingtitle% %percent%...
ping localhost -n 3 >null
set /a percent =17
goto loading1

echo %loadingtitle% %percent%...
ping localhost -n 3 >null
set /a percent =34
goto loading2

echo %loadingtitle% %percent%...
ping localhost -n 2 >null
set /a percent =40
goto entry

echo %welcometitle%
set /pause=%pressanykeytoplay%
goto entryintro


CodePudding user response:

As already mentioned in the comments by @Stephan, you cannot use set /a to set a string as variable. /a is arithmetic, like you're doing with setting the percentage. However, I would not use set /p as a choice menu, instead use choice.exe. Here is an example:

@echo off & set cnt=
set "langs=English Espanol Francais Italiano Deutsch"
for %%i in (%langs%) do (
    set /a cnt =1
    call echo %%cnt%% %%i

choice /c 1235 /m "Select Language:"
goto lang%errorlevel%

:lang1 English
set "loadingtitle=Loading
set "welcometitle=Welcome to the Whitefield Street"
set "pressanykeytoplay=Press any key to play"
(echo Offset Selected Language: English)>>lang.c
rem other Enlich items here
goto :EOF

:lang2 Spanish
rem Spanish variables are set here.. etc.
goto :EOF

:lang3 French
rem French variables are set here.. etc.
goto :EOF

:lang4 Italian
rem Italian variables are set here.. etc.
goto :EOF

:lang5 German
rem German variables are set here.. etc.
goto :EOF

CodePudding user response:

A slight expansion to @Gerhard's answer (which adapts the menu automatically to the number of languages, but does not also adjust the choice command). On top, to keep the code more readable, the labels are the actual languages, instead of lang<n>

@echo off
set "choices=123456789"
set "langs=English Espanol Francais Italiano Deutsch"
for %%i in (%langs%) do (
    set /a cnt =1
    call set "lang[%%cnt%%]=%%%%i"
    call echo %%cnt%% %%i
call set choices=%%choices:~0,%cnt%%%
choice /c %choices% /m "Select Language:"
call goto :%%lang[%errorlevel%]%%
goto :eof

echo Deutsche Variablen
goto :eof

: ... etc

I personally would have worked with delayed expansion, but for this, I kept Gerhard's decision to do without.

Note: if you need more than 9 languages, just use letters instead of numbers (set "choices=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") or combination (set "choices=123456789ABCD...").
Anything left to do for another language is adding it to set /langs and add the subroutine.

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