Is there a way to do .Where(c. => c.filters.Name)
but also check for surname?
SO: Given this input filter "John Doe"
where John
is the name and Doe
is the surname.
And given that i have two column in the database one for name
and one for surname
how can i filter correclty:
For example:
- if user inputs "John" i'll filter for all the John in the database (including John Doe)
- AND if user inputs "Doe" i'll filter for all the Doe in the database (including John Doe)
- if user inputs "John Doe" i'll filter for all the John Doe in the database (can't get this one to work)
I tried this:
query.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(filters.Name.Trim()) || x.Surname == filters.Name.Trim());
But that does not filter when the input is "John Doe"... any idea on how to do this?
CodePudding user response:
Add the property FullName your model.
public string FullName => $"{Name} {LastName}"
Then you can search using
string pattern = $@"(\w*{search.ToLower().Trim()}\w*)";
query.Where(x => Regex.IsMatch(x.FullName.ToLower(), pattern));
You will need to add
using System.Text.RegularExpressions
CodePudding user response:
should be as simple as
query.Where(x => (x.Name " " x.Surname).ToLower().Contains(filters.Name.Trim()));