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Faster way to find all columns are with no missing values?


Currently I am using this statement to find all columns in a dataframe that has no missing values, it works fine. but I'm wondering if there is more concise way (albeit, efficient way) to do the same thing?

df.columns[ np.sum(df.isnull()) == 0 ]

CodePudding user response:

To better answer the question one would need to have access to the dataframe in question.

Without it, there are various method one can use.

Let's consider the following dataframe as example

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
df.iloc[0:10, 0] = np.nan

    A   B   C   D
0 NaN  89  63  41
1 NaN  12  47   8
2 NaN  79  76  67
3 NaN  87  61  38
4 NaN  28  31  30
  1. Method 1 - As OP indicated (we will be use as reference)

    df.columns[ np.sum(df.isnull()) == 0 ]
  2. Method 2 - Similar to Method 1, with enter image description here

    Again, this might change depending on the dataframe that one uses. Also, depending on the requirements (hardware, and business requirements), there might be other ways to achieve the same goal.

    CodePudding user response:

    You can use this:

    df.isna().any() # returns all columns either True (column names that has MISSING values) False (column names has NO MISSING values)
    df.columns[df.isna().any()]  # returns only the column names with MISSING values
    df.columns[~df.isna().any()] # tilda negates the condition # returns the columns with NO MISSING values
    df.columns[~df.isna().any()].tolist() # .tolist() converts the result to a list, if you wish.
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