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How printing the Proof from Fitting's leanTap Prolog Prover?


Here is the SWI-Prolog code of Fitting's leanTap revisited:

:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(statistics)).

% :- use_module(library(dom)).
% operator definitions (TPTP syntax)

:- op( 500, fy, ~).             % negation
:- op(1000, xfy, &).    % conjunction
:- op(1100, xfy, '|').  % disjunction
:- op(1110, xfy, =>).   % conditional
:- op(1120, xfy, <=>).  % biconditional

Next, a classification of formula types,
& instances.

type(X & Y, conj, X, Y).
type(~(X & Y), disj, ~ X, ~ Y).
type(X | Y, disj, X, Y).
type(~(X | Y), conj, ~ X, ~ Y).
type(X => Y, disj, ~ X, Y).
type(~(X => Y), conj, X, ~ Y).
type(X <=> Y, disj, X & Y, ~ X & ~ Y).
type(~(X <=> Y), disj, X & ~ Y, ~ X & Y).
type(~ (~ (X)), doub, X, _).
Now the heart of the matter.
thm(Lambda, Gamma) :-
the sequent Lambda --> Gamma is provable.

thm(Lambda, [Doubleneg | Gamma]) :- 
        type(Doubleneg, doub, X, _), !,
        thm(Lambda, [X | Gamma]).

thm(Lambda, [Beta | Gamma]) :-
        type(Beta, disj, Beta1, Beta2), !,
        thm(Lambda, [Beta1, Beta2 | Gamma]).

thm(Lambda, [Alpha | Gamma]) :-
        type(Alpha, conj, Alpha1, Alpha2), !,
        thm(Lambda, [Alpha1 | Gamma]), !,
        thm(Lambda, [Alpha2 | Gamma]).

thm([L1|Lambda], [L2|_]) :-
          L1 = L2, !
          thm(Lambda, [L2])

thm(Lambda, [~ L | Gamma]) :-
        thm([L | Lambda], Gamma), !.

thm(Lambda, [L | Gamma]) :-
        thm([~ L | Lambda], Gamma), !.
Finally, the driver.
prove(X) :-
time(thm([], [X])).

This code according to Fitting provides a sequent calculus. I have tried to change minimally this code to get a Prolog Print of each proof, with input prove(X, Proof), following the structure of Jen Otten's prover (online here and here):

% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% leanseq.pl - A sequent calculus prover implemented in Prolog
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
:- use_module(library(lists)).

% operator definitions (TPTP syntax)

:- op( 500, fy, ~).     % negation
:- op(1000, xfy, &).    % conjunction
:- op(1100, xfy, '|').  % disjunction
:- op(1110, xfy, =>).   % implication

% -----------------------------------------------------------------
provable(F, P) :- time(prove([] > [F], P)).
% -----------------------------------------------------------------

% axiom
prove(G > D, ax(G > D, A)) :- member(A,G), member(B,D), A == B, !.

% conjunction
prove(G > D, land(G > D, P) ) :- select1( (A & B) ,G,G1), !,
                prove([A , B | G1] > D, P).

prove(G > D, rand(G > D, P1,P2)) :- select1( (A & B) ,D,D1), !,
                prove(G > [A|D1], P1), prove(G > [B|D1], P2).

% disjunction
prove(G > D, lor(G > D, P1,P2)) :- select1((A | B),G,G1), !,
                prove([A|G1] > D, P1), prove([B|G1] > D, P2).

prove(G > D, ror(G > D, P)) :- select1( (A | B),D,D1), !,
                prove(G > [A,B|D1], P ).

% implication
prove(G > D, limpl(G > D, P1,P2)) :- select1((A => B),G,G1), !,
                prove(G1 > [A|D], P1), prove([B|G1] > D, P2).

prove(G > D, rimpl(G > D, P)) :- select1((A => B),D,D1), !,
                prove([A|G] > [B|D1], P).

% negation
prove(G > D, lneg(G > D, P)) :- select1( ~A,G,G1), !,
                prove(G1 > [A|D], P).

prove(G > D, rneg(G > D, P)) :- select1(~A ,D,D1), !,
                prove([A|G] > D1, P).

% -----------------------------------------------------------------
select1(X,L,L1) :- append(L2,[X|L3],L), append(L2,L3,L1).
% -----------------------------------------------------------------

For example :

  • provable((p => p), Proof). % 22 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (95% CPU, 1132503 Lips) Proof = rimpl([]>[(p=>p)], ax([p]>[p], p))

But all my tentatives to get from Fitting's prover (that is complete) a prover that provides a proof like Proof above have failed. Any help that could put me on the right track would be appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

The following solution works, label_n have to be replaced by correct labels of sequents rules:

:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(statistics)).

% :- use_module(library(dom)).
% operator definitions (TPTP syntax)

:- op( 500, fy, ~).             % negation
:- op(1000, xfy, &).    % conjunction
:- op(1100, xfy, '|').  % disjunction
:- op(1110, xfy, =>).   % conditional
:- op(1120, xfy, <=>).  % biconditional

Next, a classification of formula types,
& instances.

type(X & Y, conj, X, Y).
type(~(X & Y), disj, ~ X, ~ Y).
type(X | Y, disj, X, Y).
type(~(X | Y), conj, ~ X, ~ Y).
type(X => Y, disj, ~ X, Y).
type(~(X => Y), conj, X, ~ Y).
type(X <=> Y, disj, X & Y, ~ X & ~ Y).
type(~(X <=> Y), disj, X & ~ Y, ~ X & Y).
type(~ (~ (X)), doub, X, _).
Now the heart of the matter.
thm(Lambda, Gamma) :-
the sequent Lambda --> Gamma is provable.

thm((Lambda > [Doubleneg | Gamma]), label1(Lambda > [Doubleneg | Gamma], P)) :- 
        type(Doubleneg, doub, X, _), !,
        thm(Lambda > [X | Gamma], P).

thm((Lambda >  [Beta | Gamma]), label2(Lambda >  [Beta | Gamma], P)) :-
        type(Beta, disj, Beta1, Beta2), !,
        thm(Lambda > [Beta1, Beta2 | Gamma],P).

thm((Lambda >  [Alpha | Gamma]), label3(Lambda >  [Alpha | Gamma],P & Q)) :-
        type(Alpha, conj, Alpha1, Alpha2), !,
        thm(Lambda > [Alpha1 | Gamma],P), !,
        thm(Lambda > [Alpha2 | Gamma],Q).

thm(([L1|Lambda]> [L2|_]), label4([L1|Lambda]> [L2|_], P)) :-
          L1 = L2, !
          thm(Lambda > [L2], P)

thm((Lambda >  [~ L | Gamma]), label5(Lambda >  [~ L | Gamma], P)) :-
        thm([L | Lambda] >  Gamma, P), !.

thm((Lambda > [L | Gamma]), label6(Lambda > [L | Gamma], P)) :-
        thm([~ L | Lambda] >  Gamma, P), !.
Finally, the driver.
prove(X, P) :-
time(thm([] > [X], P)).


prove( ( ( ( p & ( q => r ) ) => s ) <=> ( ( ~ p | q | s ) & ( ~ p | ~ r | s ) ) ), Proof). % 619 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 691737 Lips) Proof = label2([]>[(p&(q=>r)=>s<=>(~p| q| s)&(~p| ~r| s))], label3([]>[((p&(q=>r)=>s)&(~p| q| s)&(~p| ~r| s)), (~ (p&(... => ...)=>s)& ~ ((~ ...| ...| ...)&(~ ...| ...| ...)))], (label2([]>[(p&(q=>r)=>s), (~ (... => ...)& ~ (... & ...))], label2([]>[~ (p&(... => ...)), s, (... & ...)], label5([]>[~p, ~ ...|...], label3([p]>[~ ...|...], (label6(... > ..., label6(..., ...))&label5(... > ..., label6(..., ...)))))))&label3([]>[((~p| q| s)&(~p| ~ ...| s)), (~ (... => ...)& ~ (... & ...))], (label2([]>[(~ ...| ...| ...), (... & ...)], label5([]>[~ ...|...], label2([...]>[...|...], label6(... > ..., label6(..., ...)))))&label2([]>[(~ ...| ...| ...), (... & ...)], label5([]>[~ ...|...], label2([...]>[...|...], label5(... > ..., label6(..., ...)))))))))).

prove( ~ ( ( ( p & ( q => r ) ) => s ) <=> ( ( ~ p | q | s ) & ( ~ p | ~ r | s ) ) ), Proof). % 286 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (100% CPU, 2987288 Lips) false.

CodePudding user response:

The Fitting code has some silly placement of cuts, generating spurious choice points, and an unnecessary recursion redoing all the pattern matching, instead of

directly using member/2. If you implement it more closely to the original Wang McCarthy from the LISP 1.5 Manual at page 44 ff, you get a little bit more speed:

/* Fitting */
?- time((between(1,100,_), test, fail; true)).
% 3,358,200 inferences, 0.297 CPU in 0.295 seconds (101% CPU, 11311832 Lips)

/* Wang McCarthy */
?- time((between(1,100,_), test2, fail; true)).
% 2,802,900 inferences, 0.203 CPU in 0.209 seconds (97% CPU, 13798892 Lips)

To arrive at Wang McCarthy replace this here from Fitting:

/* Fitting */
thm([L1|Lambda], [L2|_]) :-
          L1 = L2, !
          thm(Lambda, [L2])

thm(Lambda, [~ L | Gamma]) :-
        thm([L | Lambda], Gamma), !.

thm(Lambda, [L | Gamma]) :-
        thm([~ L | Lambda], Gamma), !.

By this here:

/* Wang McCarthy */
thm2(Lambda, [L|_]) :- member(L, Lambda), !.

thm2(Lambda, [~ L | Gamma]) :- !,
        thm2([L | Lambda], Gamma).

thm2(Lambda, [L | Gamma]) :-
        thm2([~ L | Lambda], Gamma).

As a test case I was running a collection of principia mathematica tautologies.

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