Home > Mobile >  What is the use of assert in the following program creating a linked list? Isn't it useless?
What is the use of assert in the following program creating a linked list? Isn't it useless?


bool isTree(List<Object> tree) {
  if ((tree is! List) | (tree.length < 1)) {
    return false;
  for (final branch in branches(tree)) {
    if (!isTree(branch)) {
      return false;
  return true;

List branches(List tree) {
  return tree.sublist(1);

Object label(List tree) {
  return tree[0];

List tree(rootLabel, [List branches = const []]) {
  for (final branch in branches) {
  return ([rootLabel]   branches);

bool isLeaf(List tree) {
  return branches(tree).isEmpty;

var t = tree('hey', [
  tree('hum', [tree('there'), tree('hey')])

If i were to remove the for loop with the assert function, and also the is_tree function, the program still returns the same results as with them, So aren't they useless?

List branches(List tree) {
  return tree.sublist(1);

Object label(List tree) {
  return tree[0];

List tree(rootLabel, [List branches = const []]) {
  return ([rootLabel]   branches);

bool isLeaf(List tree) {
  return branches(tree).isEmpty;

var t = tree('hey', [
  tree('hum', [tree('there'), tree('hey')])

Here is the full tutorial when i am learning this https://composingprograms.com/pages/23-sequences.html#trees

CodePudding user response:

It's there to make sure all branches are trees. Without the assert you are able to write this without any errors.

var t = tree('hey', ['notATree']);

With the assert it will throw an error.

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