I am experimenting with a MudTable and I am trying to fix my inline editing values. I have a column(called Price at 3 decimal places in my database table) that I enter a value into and that value is then entered into a calculation which then populates another column as a decimal at 3 decimal places in the table. That column is also editable, however, the value that displays in the mudtable is more than 3 decimal places. It saves to the database as 3 decimal places but shows more in the mudtable:
for example
in database table: 3.125 in mudTable: 3.12500000
is there any way to get rid of those zeros?
my code:
<MudTd Class="pa-0" DataLabel="Month">
<MudNumericField HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="@context.Month" Required Step="0.1M" />
I am sorry if I am missing any other code, I am new, Please let me know if there is anything else to include :(
CodePudding user response:
Use the Format
<MudNumericField Format="0.########" HideSpinButtons="true" @bind-Value="@context.Month" Required Step="0.1M" />