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Meaning of code involving function binding


Can someone explain what is going on in the below code snippet line by line

auto enq_func = [](std::queue<reg_t>* q, uint64_t x) { q->push(x); };
std::queue<reg_t> fromhost_queue;
std::function<void(reg_t)> fromhost_callback =
  std::bind(enq_func, &fromhost_queue, std::placeholders::_1);

I think I get the gist of it, that fromhost_queue is a std::queue of each element of type reg_t which was typedef in the beginning of the code as uint64_t and its enqueue functionality is defined using the above three lines something like that.

I have trouble understanding line 1 as I haven't come across this type of function declaration like =[](...){...}; is this some sort of shorthand or something

Also, in the bind() part in line 3, the first argument is a function(here named as enq_func) that bind will be applied on the second argument mostly used to pass a reference of a queue the enq_func will be applied but the last is an argument which will we enqueued but I don't see the enq_func having any arguement

can someone clarify this?

CodePudding user response:

This is a slightly overly-complex way to create a function-like callable object that pushes its argument into fromhost_queue. That is, fromhost_callback(123) will end up calling fromhost_queue.push(123).

auto enq_func = [](std::queue<reg_t>* q, uint64_t x) { q->push(x); };

This is a lambda expression that creates a callable object that pushes its second parameter into the queue pointed to by the first parameter. That is, enq_func(&fromhost_queue, 123) will call fromhost_queue.push(123).

std::function<void(reg_t)> fromhost_callback =
  std::bind(enq_func, &fromhost_queue, std::placeholders::_1);

This creates a new callable object that wraps enq_func and automatically supplies its first argument, then stores that in a type-erased std::function container. So fromhost_callback(123) will automatically call enq_func(&fromhost_queue, 123).

There's no reason to do this in two steps though, a single lambda will do fine. Assuming there's a good reason to use std::function then this will do the same thing:

std::queue<reg_t> fromhost_queue;
std::function<void(reg_t)> fromhost_callback =
    [&fromhost_queue](uint64_t x) { fromhost_queue.push(x); }
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