Installed in GMS Google Play Store and Google Voice Search, after entering the Store Search page, will flash back, an error does not exist libspeech. So, the log is as follows:
Have a try to find the libspeech. So the package, but didn't find similar installation package, please expert advice, thank you,
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: RecognitionControllerThread
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com. Google. Android. Voicesearch, PID: 8813
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: Java. Lang. UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik. System. PathClassLoader [DexPathList [[zip file "/system/priv - app/GoogleVoiceSearch/GoogleVoiceSearch apk"], nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv - app/GoogleVoiceSearch/lib/arm64,/system/lib64/vendor/lib64/system/lib64/vendor/lib64]]] couldn 't find "libspeech. So
"08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: at Java. Lang. Runtime. LoadLibrary0 (1011). The Runtime Java:
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: at Java. Lang. System. LoadLibrary (System. Java: 1657)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Endpointer. EndpointerInputStream. & lt; clinit> (EndpointerInputStream. Java: 129)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Speechservice. MicrophoneManagerImpl. GetMicInputStream (MicrophoneManagerImpl. Java: 127)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Speechservice. MicrophoneManagerImpl. SetupMicrophone (MicrophoneManagerImpl. Java: 91)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Speechservice. RecognitionControllerImpl. StartRecognition (RecognitionControllerImpl. Java: 403)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Speechservice. RecognitionControllerImpl. Access the $300 (86) RecognitionControllerImpl. Java:
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: ats com. Google. Android. Voicesearch. Speechservice. RecognitionControllerImpl $1. HandleMessage (RecognitionControllerImpl. Java: 263)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: at android. OS. Handler. DispatchMessage (Handler. Java: 105)
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: at android. OS. Stars. Loop (164). Which Java:
08-16 15:47:41. 551 8813 8833 E AndroidRuntime: at android. OS. HandlerThread. Run (HandlerThread. Java: 65)