Home > Mobile >  Android 6.0 okhttp agents set up proxy requests are error Host is unresolved
Android 6.0 okhttp agents set up proxy requests are error Host is unresolved


Use okhttp3 as the framework, network request provide agents set up methods
The Proxy Proxy=new Proxy (Proxy) Type) SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress (" xx. Xx. Xx. X ", 1080));
MOkHttpClient=new OkHttpClient. Builder ()
The proxy (proxy)
In Android phones, 7.0 + simulator and real machine can access the server error
Only with Android 6.0 and Android 6.0.1 machine and emulator appear the following error:
Java.lang.RuntimeException:java.net.UnknownHostException: Host is unresolved: mall. ZDMT. IO
2 the IO. Reactivex. Internal. Util. ExceptionHelper. WrapOrThrow (ExceptionHelper. Java: 45)
4 under Caused by:
5 java.net.UnknownHostException:Host is unresolved: xx, XXX. Xx
6 java.net.Socket.connect (893) Socket. Java:
7 okhttp3. Internal. Platform. The AndroidPlatform. ConnectSocket (AndroidPlatform. Java: 69)
8 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. RealConnection. ConnectSocket (RealConnection. Java: 238)
9 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. RealConnection. Connect (RealConnection. Java: 158)
10 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. StreamAllocation. FindConnection (StreamAllocation. Java: 256)
11 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. StreamAllocation. FindHealthyConnection (StreamAllocation. Java: 134)
12 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. StreamAllocation. NewStream (StreamAllocation. Java: 113)
13 okhttp3. Internal. Connection. ConnectInterceptor. Intercept (42 ConnectInterceptor. Java:)
14 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 147)
15 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 121)
16 okhttp3. Internal. Cache. CacheInterceptor. Intercept (CacheInterceptor. Java: 93)
17 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 147)
18 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 121)
19 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. BridgeInterceptor. Intercept (BridgeInterceptor. Java: 93)
20 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 147)
21 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor. Intercept (RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor. Java: 125)
22 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 147)
23 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 121)
24 (LogInterceptor. Java: 67 www.example.utils.LogInterceptor.intercept
25 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 147)
26 okhttp3. Internal. HTTP. RealInterceptorChain. Proceed (RealInterceptorChain. Java: 121)
27 okhttp3. RealCall. GetResponseWithInterceptorChain (RealCall. Java: 200)
28 okhttp3. RealCall. Execute (RealCall. Java: 77)
29 retrofit2. OkHttpCall. Execute (OkHttpCall. Java: 180)
30 retrofit2. Adapter. Rxjava2. CallExecuteObservable. SubscribeActual (CallExecuteObservable. Java: 41)
31. IO reactivex. Observables. Subscribe (observables. Java: 12030)
32 IO. Reactivex. Internal. Operators. Observables. ObservableLift. SubscribeActual (ObservableLift. Java: 57)
33. IO reactivex. Observables. Subscribe (observables. Java: 12030)
34 IO. Reactivex. Internal. Operators. Observables. ObservableMap. SubscribeActual (ObservableMap. Java: 33)
35. IO reactivex. Observables. Subscribe (observables. Java: 12030)
36 IO. Reactivex. Observables. BlockingFirst (observables. Java: 4986)

Is the Android 6.0 to Android 7.0 this change? How to use the proxy on Android 6.0?

CodePudding user response:

The latest test use HttpURLConnection set agency, there is no problem, seems to be the reason okhttp
Proxy Proxy=new Proxy (Proxy) Type) SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress (" xx. Xx. Xx, xx, 1080));
URL the URL=new URL (" http://www.163.com ");
The connection url=(HttpURLConnection). The openConnection (proxy);
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