following is the dictionary of list's where list's have dictionary's
dict4 = {234: [{'apple': 87}, {'fan': 88}, {'jackal': 89}], 345: [{'bat': 98}, {'car': 84}, {'ice': 80}], 456: [{'car': 86}, {'apple': 82}, {'goat': 80}], 567: [{'dog': 81}, {'cat': 80}, {'eagle': 90}], 678: [{'eagle': 98}, {'hawk': 89}, {'dog': 79}], 789: [{'fan': 89}, {'goat': 84}, {'car': 81}], 890: [{'hawk': 90}, {'ice': 85}, {'cat': 78}], 901: [{'goat': 85}, {'jackal': 90}, {'apple': 80}], 123: [{'ice': 87}, {'bat': 94}, {'bat': 92}], 546: [{'jackal': 91}, {'eagle': 93}, {'fan': 85}]}
In the above dict4, apple(as the sub-key) is present three times at different places i.e., ({'apple': 87},{'apple': 82}, {'apple': 80}) , i would like to keep apple with highest value ({'apple': 87}) , and omit the rest from dict4 and same applies to all other sub-keys. Final output dict should look like
dict4 = {234: [{'apple': 87}], 345: [{'bat': 98}], 456: [{'car': 86}], 567: [{'dog': 81}, {'cat': 80}], 678: [{'eagle': 98}], 789: [{'fan': 89}], 890: [{'hawk': 90}], 901: [{'goat': 85}], 123: [{'ice': 87}], 546: [{'jackal': 91}]}
I can not think of way to approach the problem , any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!
CodePudding user response:
Try creating a dictionary to store the max value of each key.
- Initialize an empty dict
. - Then for each key
, iterate over the list corresponding tokey1
. - For each element in the list, if the key (for example apple) doesn't exist in
, save the key and the corresponding value intemp
. Else, store the larger value intemp
- Now that you have
, create new dictdict5
. Iterate overdict4
and for each keykey1
, only store the elements of the list which match both key and value intemp
- Return
CodePudding user response:
Iterate your structure and create a mapping sub-key => (super-key, value)
where value is the max among the same subkey:
maxes = {}
for main_key, ls in dict4.items():
for sub_key, val in ls[0].items():
if sub_key not in maxes or maxes[sub_key][1] < val:
maxes[sub_key] = (main_key, val)
This creates a dict like
{'apple': (234, 87), 'bat': (345, 98), 'car': (456, 86), 'dog': (567, 81), 'eagle': (678, 98), 'fan': (789, 89), 'hawk': (890, 90), 'goat': (901, 85), 'ice': (123, 87), 'jackal': (546, 91)}
It should be easy to derive your desired structure from this.