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Jquery Nested Data Table with Sort Feature


I am trying to create Data table inside data table usign jquery. I have achieved creating it with html so far but I want Column sort which isnt possible with my code. Can any one please Guide me how Can I have Data Table inside Data table with Sorting Feature. I have attached Screen Shot for possible Out Come. Where the table in last column should be with Sorting.

I am providing link with Jsfiddle. Some sort of direction would be good. In current implementation I have create nested table with below code which dont give me sorting from Jquery Data table.

function createDataTable() {
    var tableHeader = '<thead ><tr><th>Age</th><th>Location</th><th>nationality</th></tr></thead>';
    var tableRows = '';
        var tableRow = '';
        var firstTd = '<td>32</td>';
        var secondTd = '<td>USA</td>';
        var thirdTd = '<td>American</td>';
        tableRow = '<tr id="1" name="1">' tableRow firstTd secondTd thirdTd fourthTd '</tr>';
        tableRows = tableRows tableRow; 
        var tableRow = '';
        var firstTd = '<td>33</td>';
        var secondTd = '<td>UK</td>';
        var thirdTd = '<td>British</td>';
        tableRow = '<tr id="2" name="2">' tableRow firstTd secondTd thirdTd fourthTd '</tr>';
        tableRows = tableRows tableRow;   
        return '<table  id="1" name="1">' tableHeader '<tbody>' tableRows '</tbody>' '</table>';

This Returned Table is then assigned to last Col of data table with something like .

dtRow[8] = createDataTable();

IT gives something like this in Image. enter image description here

Please Guide me how can i achieve Sorting on Nested Data table for last row.

JS Fiddle :

enter image description here

In my case I chose to sort the child tables using order: [[1, 'desc']].

I also used dom: 't' to hide all the other enter image description here

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