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In a hurry! Android great god for help


> Configure project:
AppuseNewCruncher has had been deprecated. It will be removed in a future version of the gradle plugin. The New cruncher is now always enabled. WARNING: API 'variant. GetJavaCompiler ()' is obsolete and has had been replaced with 'variant. GetJavaCompileProvider ()'. It will be removed at the end of 2019.

For more information, see https://d.android.com/r/tools/task-configuration-avoidance.

To determine what is calling the variant. GetJavaCompiler (), use - Pandroid. Debug. ObsoleteApi=true on the command line To display more information.

App: 'annotationProcessor' dependencies won 't be recognized as kapt annotation processors. Both Please change the configuration name to' kapt 'for these artifacts:' the dead simple. Matthiasrobbers: shortbread - compiler: 1.0.2 ', 'yasou_yiqidianAPP: lib - compiler: unspecified', 'the jakewharton: butterknife - compiler: 8.8.1', 'androidx. Databinding: databinding - compiler: 3.4.1 track' and apply the kapt plugin: "apply the plugin: 'kotlin - kapt".

FAILURE: the Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Task 'compileDebug' is ambiguous in root project 'yasou_yiqidianAPP'. Candidates are: 'compileDebugAidl', 'compileDebugAndroidTestAidl', 'compileDebugAndroidTestJavaWithJavac', 'compileDebugAndroidTestKotlin', 'compileDebugAndroidTestRenderscript', 'compileDebugAndroidTestShaders', 'compileDebugAndroidTestSources', 'compileDebugJavaWithJavac', 'compileDebugKotlin', 'compileDebugRenderscript','compileDebugShaders', 'compileDebugSources', 'compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac', 'compileDebugUnitTestKotlin', 'compileDebugUnitTestSources'.*

Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with -- the info or -- debug option to get more the log output. The Run with -- scan to get full insights.

* the Exception is:
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