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Multiple UPDATE queries


I have a few tables in my database that I need to update.

Unfortunately, this data has never captured in the past and needs to be done now.

The table I have currently has NULL in COL2 and COL3, but they have unique keys in COL1 (obviously).

The basic layout of the tables is like this

ID     desc   dateCreated  wRef    tRef
T06    url    1/08/2016    NULL    NULL
T07    url    1/09/2016    NULL    NULL
T04    url    11/10/2016   NULL    NULL

The values I'm looking at updating are the wRef and the tRef. These values are all unique.

I have been using the below code to update each line. I have this duplicated 1000s of times as there are 1000s of IDs to update.

UPDATE [production].[dbo].[jobsTable] 
SET [wRef] = '0004-01', [tRef] = 'T00-07' 
WHERE [ID] = 'U19695L'

UPDATE [production].[dbo].[jobsTable] 
SET [wRef] = '0005-01', [tRef] = 'T10-04' 
WHERE [ID] = 'U16129L'

UPDATE [production].[dbo].[jobsTable] 
SET [wRef] = '0010-01', [tRef] = 'T01-06' 
WHERE [ID] = 'U17175L' 

I'm a SQL newbie - is there an easier or cleaner way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

A simple solution using SQL CASE for you

    [wRef] =          
            WHEN [ID] = 'U19695L' THEN '0004-01' 
            WHEN [ID] = 'U16129L' THEN '0005-01'
            WHEN [ID] = 'U17175L'  THEN '0010-01'
            ELSE [wRef]
          END ,
    [tRef] = 
                    WHEN [ID] = 'U19695L' THEN 'T00-07'
                    WHEN [ID] = 'U16129L' THEN 'T10-04'
                    WHEN [ID] = 'U17175L'  THEN 'T01-06'
                    ELSE [tRef]
WHERE [ID] IN( 'U17175L','U16129L','U17175L' ) 

CodePudding user response:

Personally, I'd create either a temporary table, or a standard table, with the relevant data you want updated, then do a single update statement. It's a lot cleaner/easier to manage, and the single update probably performs much faster as well.

For example - using a temporary table with the data to be updated:

CREATE TABLE #jobsUpdates (ID nvarchar(10) PRIMARY KEY, wRef nvarchar(10), tRef nvarchar(10));

INSERT INTO #jobsUpdates (ID, wRef, tRef) VALUES
('U19695L', '0004-01', 'T00-07'),
('U16129L', '0005-01', 'T10-04'),
('U17175L', '0010-01', 'T01-06');

SET     [wRef] = jU.[wRef], 
        [tRef] = jU.[tRef]
FROM    [production].[dbo].[jobsTable] jT
        INNER JOIN #jobsUpdates jU ON jT.ID = jU.Id

It's even simpler if you just have the data already in a table you can access and edit data directly (for example - create the table, copy-and-paste in the data from Excel, then do the one update statement joining jobsTable with the source data).

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  • sql
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