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pipenv - ERROR: Couldn't install package: psycopg2


I am running pipenv on macOS Monterey 12.4. I have the following Pipfile:

url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

django = "<4.1"
pyparsing = "*"
pydot = "*"
django-extensions = "*"
coverage = "*"
djangorestframework = "~=3.13"
Markdown = "*"
django-nested-admin = "*"
drf-nested-routers = "*"
drf-access-policy = "~=1.0"
drf-yasg = "*"
drf-social-oauth2 = "*"
django-cors-headers = "*"
black = "*"
django-stubs = "*"
djangorestframework-stubs = "*"
dj-database-url = "*"
gunicorn = "*"
whitenoise = "*"
psycopg2-binary = "*"
psycopg2 = "*"
sentry-sdk = "*"
django-filter = "*"
django-hashid-field = "*"
channels = "~=3.0"
djangochannelsrestframework = "*"
celery = "==5.2.2"
django-celery-results = "==2.2.0"
channels-redis = "*"
requests = "*"
django-silk = "*"
django-auto-prefetching = "*"
drf-viewset-profiler = "*"
django-lifecycle = "*"
django-notifications-rest = "*"
django-notifications-hq = "*"
django-postgrespool2 = "*"

mypy = "*"

python_version = "3.8"

This has always worked fine up to now. I tried running the command: pipenv update sentry-sdk, and this is the output:

(backend) samuelebonini@Samueles-MacBook-Pro-2 backend % pipenv update sentry-sdk
Locking [dev-packages] dependencies...
Building requirements...
Resolving dependencies...
✔ Success! 
Locking [packages] dependencies...
Building requirements...
Resolving dependencies...
✔ Success! 
Updated Pipfile.lock (a39560)!
Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (a39560)...
An error occurred while installing psycopg2==2.9.4 --hash=sha256:aa184d551a767ad25df3b8d22a0a62ef2962e0e374c04f6cbd1204947f540d61 --hash=sha256:07b90a24d5056687781ddaef0ea172fd951f2f7293f6ffdd03d4f5077801f426 --hash=sha256:aafa96f2da0071d6dd0cbb7633406d99f414b40ab0f918c9d9af7df928a1accb --hash=sha256:c7fa041b4acb913f6968fce10169105af5200f296028251d817ab37847c30184 --hash=sha256:8de6a9fc5f42fa52f559e65120dcd7502394692490c98fed1221acf0819d7797 --hash=sha256:849bd868ae3369932127f0771c08d1109b254f08d48dc42493c3d1b87cb2d308 --hash=sha256:46361c054df612c3cc813fdb343733d56543fb93565cff0f8ace422e4da06acb --hash=sha256:d529926254e093a1b669f692a3aa50069bc71faf5b0ecd91686a78f62767d52f --hash=sha256:a11946bad3557ca254f17357d5a4ed63bdca45163e7a7d2bfb8e695df069cc3a --hash=sha256:839f9ea8f6098e39966d97fcb8d08548fbc57c523a1e27a1f0609addf40f777c --hash=sha256:1da77c061bdaab450581458932ae5e469cc6e36e0d62f988376e9f513f11cb5c! Will try again.
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