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Appium machine commissioning times really wrong


# code
The from appium import webdriver
The import time

# server startup parameter
# device information
Desired_caps [' platformName]='Android'
Desired_caps [' platformVersion]='8.1.0'
Desired_caps [' deviceName]='493 dde85'
# app information
Desired_caps [' appPackage]='com. Android. Settings'
# desired_caps=[' appActivity ']. 'Settings'
Desired_caps [' appActivity]='com. Oppo. Settings. SettingsActivity'
Driver=webdriver. Remote (' http://localhost:4723/wd/hub ', desired_caps)

# driver. Remove_app (" com. Quakoo. Xq. Family ")
# driver. Install_app ("/Users/houxinlei/Desktop/family - the apk ")
Driver. Start_activity (com. Quakoo. Xq. "family", "com. Quakoo. Xq. Main. UI. SplashActivity")
# driver. The quit ()

# error message
Selenium.com mon. Exceptions. WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server - side error occurred while processing the command. The Original error: error executing adbExec. The Original error: 'command'/Users/houxinlei/Library/Android/SDK/platform - the tools/adb - 5037 - s 493 P dde85 shell PM clear com. Android. The Settings' exited with code 1 '. Stderr: 'Error: Java. Lang. SecurityException: adb clearing user data is forbidden.'; Code: '1'

# for help!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Error is not allowed in the adb application data, estimation is on the phone app on the app and as information in, you can try unloading on the phone app

CodePudding user response:

I also encountered the same error shell PM. The clear com. Android Settings, what is your problem solved? You can share?

CodePudding user response:

This is because the authority problem, you need to phone developer mode USB debugging and operation of the USB installation source unknown APP
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