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The returned list from ajax is empty but the size of the array is correct


I'm trying to pass a List from the controller to an ajax function, which I need to show a modal carousel images.

The function start when I click on a image, send a value to the ajax function, the ajax function calls a C# method in the controller, and in return I expect to have a List of paths of the images I'm showing.

This is the Html where the function starts:

<div >
      <img  src="@pd.getImagenes()" onclick="GetImagenes(@pd.getNumeroEntrega())" data-img-mostrar="@cont" />

This is the ajax function:

function GetImagenes(entrega){
    var i = 0;
        method: "GET",
        url: "GetPedidoImagenes",
        contentType: "aplication/json; Charset=utf-8",
        data: { 'entrega': entrega },        
        async: true,
        success: function (result) {
            console.log("Longitud: "   result.length);            
            if (result == 0) {
                alert("No hay Imagenes");
            else {
                while (i < result.length) {
                    var carusel = document.getElementById("Entrega_"   entrega);
                    if (i == 0) {
                        var div = document.createElement('div');
                        div.setAttribute('class', 'carousel-item active');
                        var img = document.createElement("img");
                        img.setAttribute('class', 'd-block w-100');
                        img.setAttribute('src', "/imgAndroid/"   result[i].Path);
                        i  ;
                    else {
                        var div = document.createElement('div');
                        div.setAttribute('class', 'carousel-item');
                        var img = document.createElement('img');
                        img.setAttribute('class', 'd-block w-100');
                        img.setAttribute('src', "/imgAndroid/"    result[i].Path);
                        i  ;

And this is the C# Controller method:

 public List<PedidoViewModel> GetPedidoImagenes(string entrega)
            string consulta;
            List<PedidoViewModel> listaPedidos = new List<PedidoViewModel>();
            MySqlConnection connection = null;
                consulta = "SELECT Path from Entrega WHERE Entrega = '"   entrega   "'";
                using (connection = new MySqlConnection("datasource="   server   ";database="   database   ";"   ";username="   user   ";password="   password   ";"))
                    MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(consulta, connection);

                    var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    while (reader.Read())
                        PedidoViewModel pedido = new PedidoViewModel();
                return listaPedidos;

            }catch(Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

This is PedidoViewModel:

    public class PedidoViewModel{
      private string pathIamgenes;

      public PedidoViewModel(){
        pathIamgenes = "";

     public string getImagenes() { return pathIamgenes; }
     public void setPathImagen(string x) { pathIamgenes = x; }

As you can see, I pass a value from the view to the ajax function, and then from the ajax to the controller, and in return I have a list with tha paths, but the array (which is called result) is empty, but has the right size.

What do I mean with the "right size"? If there are 2 images, result has 2 places, or 2 size. How I checked this? with a console.log(result):

(2) [{…}, {…}]

But as you can see, the array is empty, and I'm expecting to have the paths of the images.

Where I am wrong? I been working for days with this and I can't find a solution.

I'm new with Javascript and ajax, I don't have lot of knowledge, but I think that what I'm doing is not wrong at all.


I created a public string path{get; set;} in PedidoViewModel and now console.log(result) comes like this:

(2) [{…}, {…}]
0:{path: null}
1:{path: null}

new PedidoViewModel:

 public class PedidoViewModel{
     public string path{get; set;} = "";

CodePudding user response:

This class doesn't have any serializable properties:

public class PedidoViewModel{
  private string pathIamgenes;

  public PedidoViewModel(){
    pathIamgenes = "";

  public string getImagenes() { return pathIamgenes; }
  public void setPathImagen(string x) { pathIamgenes = x; }

It has a field and has methods for interacting with that field. But in general serializers are looking for properties. (As are ORMs, etc. Properties are the standard in C#.)

Refactor your class to use properties, which significantly simplies it anyway:

public class PedidoViewModel{
  public string PathIamgenes { get; set; } = "";

Then that one property would be serialized in the JSON:

  "PathIamgenes": ""

Naturally, the rest of the code which uses this class would need to be adjusted to make use of its new structure.

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