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Check column data has spaces in it


Is there a way to check if values in column has spaces in it?

asd <- data.frame(a = c("new ", "Old"), b = c("Cta", "df"))

We have space in "a" column. So expected output to be

     a   b   spaceInCola
1 new  Cta   TRUE
2  Old  df   FALSE

CodePudding user response:

Sure. Here's an easy way with grepl:

asd <- data.frame(a = c("new ", "Old"), b = c("Cta", "df"))

asd$spaceInCola <- grepl(' ', asd$a)

#>      a   b spaceInCola
#> 1 new  Cta        TRUE
#> 2  Old  df       FALSE

CodePudding user response:

A tidyverse approach:

asd %>% 
  mutate(spaceInCola = str_detect(a, "\\s"))

#     a   b spaceInCola
#1 new  Cta        TRUE
#2  Old  df       FALSE

Useful to use dplyr in that case if you want to check over multiple columns:

asd %>% 
  mutate(across(a:b, ~ str_detect(.x, "\\s"),
                .names = "SpaceInCol{col}"))

#      a   b SpaceInCola SpaceInColb
# 1 new  Cta        TRUE       FALSE
# 2  Old  df       FALSE       FALSE

CodePudding user response:

Option using sapply:

asd$spaceInCola <- sapply(asd$a, \(x) grepl(' ', x))
#>      a   b spaceInCola
#> 1 new  Cta        TRUE
#> 2  Old  df       FALSE

Created on 2022-10-20 with reprex v2.0.2

Option using sapply with the sum of TRUE's. This is for row-wise checking:

asd$spaceInCola <- sapply(asd, \(x) as.logical(sum(grepl(' ', x))))
#>      a   b spaceInCola
#> 1 new  Cta        TRUE
#> 2  Old  df       FALSE

Created on 2022-10-20 with reprex v2.0.2

CodePudding user response:

Using stringr:

asd$spaceInColA <- str_detect(asd[,1], " ")

Or with stringi:

asd$spaceInColA <- stri_detect_fixed(asd[,1]," ")

Outupt is the same for both functions:

> asd
     a   b spaceInColA
1 new  Cta        TRUE
2  Old  df       FALSE
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