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Modifying a data of type "static const int* const" from a member function


TLDR Question:

class MyClass
    void Modify()
        //How can I modify MyData here 

    static const int* const MyData;


I have a class like this:

class Window
    const int* GetKeyboard()
        return m_Keyboard;

    const int* const m_Keyboard = 0;

With this I would access keyboard as WindowObjectPtr->GetKeyboard() but I want to access it as Input::Keyboard. So I wrote something like this:

class Window
    const int* GetKeyboard()
        return m_Keyboard;

    const int* const m_Keyboard = 0;

const int* Input::Keyboard = 0;

class Application;
class Input
    friend class Application;
    static void SetKeyboard(const int* k) { Keyboard = k; }

    static const int* Keyboard;

class Application
    void Init()

    Window m_Window;

int main()
    Application application;


The only problem with the above code is that I can do Input::Keyboaord = nullptr;

So I want to change definition of keyboard to static const int* const Keyboard; but then Input::SetKeyboard cannot set it anymore.

Is there a valid version of something like mutable static const int* const Keyboard; ? or a different method of achieving what I am trying to do?

CodePudding user response:

Either an object is const or it isn't. If it is const it must be given a value in its initialization and any attempt at changing it later will cause undefined behavior (if it isn't ill-formed to begin with).

There is no way to make an object const after a certain other point in the execution flow.

Of course you can just add a const reference to the object and use that whenever you don't intent to modify it for const-correctness:

static const int* Keyboard;
static const int* const& cKeyboard = Keyboard;

Now Keyboard can be used for modification and cKeyboard can't (without const_cast trickery).

But that all seems like completely avoidable and messy, since you could just have Keyboard be a non-static member, have Application have a non-static Input member and then have all initialization happen in the constructor's initializer lists. Then there wouldn't be a problem with having Keyboard be const-qualified at all.

CodePudding user response:

Many things can be hacked.

For example you can have a constant static member which references a private non-static member. The private member can be initialized and set later by a friend. The public member can only be used to read:


struct foo {
        static const int& x_public;
        friend class bar;
        static int x_private;

const int& foo::x_public = foo::x_private;
int foo::x_private = 0;

struct bar {
    bar() {
        foo::x_private = 42;

int main() {
    bar b;
    std::cout << foo::x_public;

Thgouh, I am not really suggesting to use this. I agree with this answer that you should rather use a non-static member.

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