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Why won't my navbar change color with js scroll function?


My navbar doesn't seem to be changing color when scrolled. There's a bit of js I'm trying to implement (at the bottom of the following code block), but it doesn't seem to render and I have no idea why. I've made sure the bootstrap cdn is up-to-date. I've made sure my class references are accurate. Nothing seems to work.

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                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>
                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>    
                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>    
                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>
                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>    
                    <h1 >MUSEUM<span>/</span>OF<span>/</span>CANDY</h2>   
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                        <h2>MUSEUM OF CANDY</h2>
                        <img src="lolli_icon.png" alt="" >
                        <p >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque, iste molestiae...</p>
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                        <h2>MUSEUM OF CANDY</h2>
                        <img src="lolli_icon.png" alt="" >
                        <p >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque, iste molestiae... </p>
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                <img  src="gumball.png" alt="">
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                        <h2>MUSEUM OF CANDY</h2>
                        <img src="lolli_icon.png" alt="" >
                        <p >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque, ist...</p>

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<!-- This is the JS section that's not working: -->

        $(function () {
            $(document).scroll(function () {
                var $nav = $("#mainNavbar");
                $nav.toggleClass("scrolled", $(this).scrollTop() > $nav.height());


And, for what it's worth, here is my css:

.navbar.scrolled {
    background: rgb(222,192,222);
    transition: background 500ms;

I want the navbar background color to change when I scroll, but that doesn't seem to be happening.

CodePudding user response:

Notice, you have a little mistake, you declared id and wrote #mainNavbar, just delete that # id="mainNavbar"

CodePudding user response:

Remove hash from nav id. Check the image here. https://prnt.sc/V-NkibDZCUYi

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