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Unable to replace a particular value from an array column in Pyspark


I have a column in my DF where data type is :

--element: struct
-----configName: string 





I want to remove where configparam is "configparam":[{"removeit":"[]"}] to "configparam":[]

expecting output:





I have tried this code but it is not giving me output:

test=df.withColumn('outputcolumn',F.expr("translate"(testcolumn,x-> replace(x,':[{"removeit":"[]"}]','[]'))) 

it will be really great if someone can help me.

CodePudding user response:

Your testcolumn is an array of struct so you cannot do a string operation as it is.

You can do something like this. This will empty configparam completely when it contains a key "removeit".


"configparam":[{"removeit":[], "otherparam": "value"}] -> "configparam": []
array_has_remove = lambda y: ~F.array_contains(F.map_keys(y), 'removeit')

df = (df.withColumn('outputcolumn', 
              lambda x: x.withField('configparam', 
                  F.filter(x['configparam'], array_has_remove)

Ref: withField, filter, array_contains, map_keys

CodePudding user response:

You have to perform a chain of explode, filter and groupBy operations to achieve this.

First, explode array/struct/map columns to reach to the nested column:

df = df.withColumn("id", F.col("testcolumn")["id"])
df = df.withColumn("configName", F.col("testcolumn")["configName"])
df = df.withColumn("desc", F.col("testcolumn")["desc"])
df = df.withColumn("configparam_exploded", F.explode(F.col("testcolumn")["configparam"]))
df = df.select(df.columns   [F.explode(F.col("configparam_exploded"))])

 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 
|testcolumn                                           |id |configName|desc|configparam_exploded             |key       |value|
 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 
|{1, test1, Ram1, [{removeit -> []}]}                 |1  |test1     |Ram1|{removeit -> []}                 |removeit  |[]   |
|{2, test2, Ram2, [{removeit -> []}]}                 |2  |test2     |Ram2|{removeit -> []}                 |removeit  |[]   |
|{3, test3, Ram1, [{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}]}|3  |test3     |Ram1|{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}|paramId   |4    |
|{3, test3, Ram1, [{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}]}|3  |test3     |Ram1|{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}|paramvalue|200  |
 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 

Then, filter data as required:

df = df.filter((F.col("key") != "removeit") | (F.col("value") != "[]"))

 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 
|testcolumn                                           |id |configName|desc|configparam_exploded             |key       |value|
 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 
|{3, test3, Ram1, [{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}]}|3  |test3     |Ram1|{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}|paramId   |4    |
|{3, test3, Ram1, [{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}]}|3  |test3     |Ram1|{paramId -> 4, paramvalue -> 200}|paramvalue|200  |
 ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- ----- 

Finally, groupBy all individual columns back to original packing:

df = df.withColumn("configparam_map", F.map_from_entries(F.array(F.struct("key", "value"))))
df = df.groupBy(["id", "configName", "desc"]).agg(F.collect_list("configparam_map").alias("configparam"))
df = df.withColumn("testcolumn", F.struct("id", "configName", "desc", "configparam"))
df = df.drop("id", "configName", "desc", "configparam")

|testcolumn                                             |
|{3, test3, Ram1, [{paramId -> 4}, {paramvalue -> 200}]}|

Sample dataset used to reproduce the problem:

schema = StructType([StructField('testcolumn', StructType([StructField('id', IntegerType(), True), StructField('configName', StringType(), True), StructField('desc', StringType(), True), StructField('configparam', ArrayType(MapType(StringType(), StringType(), True), True), True)]), True)])

data = [
  Row(Row(1, "test1", "Ram1", [{"removeit":"[]"}])),
  Row(Row(2, "test2", "Ram2", [{"removeit":"[]"}])),
  Row(Row(3, "test3", "Ram1", [{"paramId":"4","paramvalue":"200"}]))    

df = spark.createDataFrame(data = data, schema = schema)
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