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ansible iterate through dictionary


How to interate through this dictionary? If vrf is default than print proc name. If vrf is other than defaul than print proc name and vrf name

 proc-vrf: [{'proc': 'T1', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T2', 'vrf': 'vrf_T2'},, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'vrf_T3'}]

I tried following:

- name: Display output...
    msg: "{{ item.key }} - {{ item.value }}"
  loop: "{{ proc-vrf | dict2items }}"

I am getting following error:

ERROR! 'item' is undefined

CodePudding user response:

Thank you for the additional information, the question looks better.

As in this case the variable is a list of dictionaries, replace the loop: with

- name: Display output...
    msg: "{{ item.proc }} - {{ item.vrf }}"
  with_items: "{{ proc-vrf }}"

CodePudding user response:

After addressing the variable name because of

ERROR! Invalid variable name in vars specified for Play: 'proc-vrf' is not a valid variable name

and its content

diff <( echo 'proc-vrf: [{'proc': 'T1', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T2', 'vrf': 'vrf_T2'},, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'vrf_T3'}]' ) <( echo 'proc_vrf: [{'proc': 'T1', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T2', 'vrf': 'vrf_T2'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'vrf_T3'}]' )
< proc-vrf: [{proc: T1, vrf: default}, {proc: T2, vrf: vrf_T2},, {proc: T3, vrf: default}, {proc: T3, vrf: vrf_T3}]
> proc_vrf: [{proc: T1, vrf: default}, {proc: T2, vrf: vrf_T2}, {proc: T3, vrf: default}, {proc: T3, vrf: vrf_T3}]

a sample playbook like

- hosts: localhost
  become: false
  gather_facts: false


    proc_vrf: [{'proc': 'T1', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T2', 'vrf': 'vrf_T2'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'default'}, {'proc': 'T3', 'vrf': 'vrf_T3'}]


  - name: Display output...
      msg: "{{ item.proc }} - {{ item.vrf }}"
    loop: "{{ proc_vrf }}"

will result into an output of

TASK [Display output...] ****************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'proc': u'T1', u'vrf': u'default'}) =>
  msg: T1 - default
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'proc': u'T2', u'vrf': u'vrf_T2'}) =>
  msg: T2 - vrf_T2
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'proc': u'T3', u'vrf': u'default'}) =>
  msg: T3 - default
ok: [localhost] => (item={u'proc': u'T3', u'vrf': u'vrf_T3'}) =>
  msg: T3 - vrf_T3

Further Documentation

  • Creating valid variable names

    Not all strings are valid Ansible variable names. A variable name can only include letters, numbers, and underscores.

CodePudding user response:

  • name: Display output... debug: msg: "{{ item.proc }} - {{ item.vrf }}" loop: "{{ proc_vrf }}"
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