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Find data between two given value in Nodejs & Mongoose


I am trying to find data between two given heights. I am storing heights data in separate Mongodb schema, in which the height's unique _id is what I store in a user-schema. So I do populate() in the GET Apis and all.

The problem is when I am working on the filter api like finding users based on given two heights, How can I find the users data between two input height? should I pass the two heights _id to find ? If so may i know the method or some suggestion or Raw data like 5.1 to 6? If I pass raw data like 5.1 and 5.8 but how will I find users data because I am not storing raw data in user-schema instead I am storing height's id.

Config Schema

const appconfigSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    configValue: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    configDesc: {
        type: String,

Config Sample Data

            "_id": "636261302187d07f920b1174",
            "configValue": "5.1",
            "configDesc": "5ft 1in",
            "metaDataType": "Height",
            "isParent": false,
            "parentPrimaryId": "636260f82187d07f920b1171",
            "isActive": true,
            "createdAt": "2022-11-02T12:23:12.999Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-11-02T12:23:12.999Z",
            "__v": 0

User Schema

Height: {
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        required: true,
        ref: 'appconfigs'

User Sample Data

    "Country": "India",
    "State": "Tamil Nadu",
    "City": "Trichy",
    "Height": "636261302187d07f920b1174",

So How to find users data between two given heights ? Should I pass heights Id only or heights raw data like 5.1 & 5.8, If so please teach me the method

CodePudding user response:

If you know both _id of heights and want to fetch all documents between these _ids then both ids will be enough to find data and you can find them like this.

const userData=await users.find({$and:[{"Height._id":{$gte:"smaller_id"}},{"Height._id":{$lte:"larger_id"}}]});

CodePudding user response:

I played with your use case and figured out this solution. Hope it helps.

const filteredUsers = await User.aggregate([
  // Lookup to get height information from ID 
    $lookup: {
      from: "configs", // Looking in the config table
      localField: "Height",
      foreignField: "_id",
      pipeline: [{
        // Convert value to double (was string)
        $project: {
          valueAsDouble: {$toDouble: "$configValue"}
      as: "heightLookup"
    // Match users with condition 5.1 <= Height value <= 5.8
    $match: {
      "heightLookup.0.valueAsDouble": {$gte: 5.1, $lte: 5.8}

// Expected output

    "City": "Trichy",
    "Country": "India",
    "Height": "636261302187d07f920b1174",
    "State": "Tamil Nadu",
    "_id": 1,
    "heightLookup": [
        "_id": "636261302187d07f920b1174",
        "valueAsDouble": 5.1
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