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How to convert String to Enum using both Jackson and Spring bindings without code duplication


I have an enum defined as:

public static enum State {
    @JsonProperty("At Rest")
    @JsonProperty("In Motion")

So, the server produces "At Rest" when Jackson serializes the AT_REST enum into JSON. Similarly, Jackson deserializes "At Rest" into AT_REST when the client passes JSON to the server. For example:

public State[] getAllStates() {
 return State.values(); //returns JSON ["At Rest", "In Motion", "Stalled"]

public void saveState(@ResponseBody State state /*when client sends "At Rest", it gets converted into Enum*/) { 
 //save state

I also have a search GET endpoint. The client calls it with a "state" query parameter such https://localhost/search?state=At Rest. Since the query parameter value is not JSON, I have a Spring converter:

public class StringToStateConverter implements Converter<String, State> {
    public State convert(String description) {
        if ("At Rest".equals(description)) {
            return State.AT_REST;
        } else if ("In Motion".equals(description)) {
            return State.IN_MOTION;
        } else if ("Stalled".equals(description)) {
            return State.STALLED;
        } else {
            return null;

Is it possible to have Spring use JsonProperty when deserializing a query param? If not, how can I avoid having the String description in multiple places in my code? I prefer not to make a description field in the enum since this is really just for client display.

CodePudding user response:

Is it possible to have Spring use JsonProperty when deserializing a query param?


public class StringToStateConverter implements Converter<String, State> {
    private final ObjectMapper mapper;
    public State convert(String description) {
        try {
            return mapper.readValue("\""   description   "\"", State.class);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            // code to return error to client
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