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how can i redirect correctly to routes with GoRouter?


how can i redirect correctly to routes ?

My application has to have some route security and I try to do it with GoRouter but it always executes one more redirection and always returns to home.

There are only 3 secure routes (profile, order, favorites) and if you are not logged in you must go back to login.

But when I put any of the 3 routes in the url, it redirects me to the login and immediately to the home (this is what should not happen)

Can somebody help me? I changed the logic several times but I always come back to the same point.

class AppRouter {
  final SessionCubit sessionCubit;

  GoRouter get router => _goRouter;


  late final GoRouter _goRouter = GoRouter(
    refreshListenable: GoRouterRefreshStream(sessionCubit.stream),
    initialLocation: APP_PAGE.home.toPath,
    routes: <GoRoute>[
        path: APP_PAGE.home.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.home.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => MyHomePage(),
        path: APP_PAGE.login.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.login.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => const LoginPage(),
        path: APP_PAGE.profile.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.profile.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => MyProfile(),
        path: APP_PAGE.order.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.order.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => const Order(),
        path: APP_PAGE.error.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.error.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => ErrorPage(error: state.extra.toString()),
        path: APP_PAGE.products.toPath,
        name: APP_PAGE.products.toName,
        builder: (context, state) => const Products(),
    debugLogDiagnostics: true,
    errorBuilder: (context, state) => ErrorPage(error: state.error.toString()),
    redirect: (context, state) {
      final userAutheticated = sessionCubit.state is Authenticated;
      if (userAutheticated) {
        if (state.subloc == '/login') return '/home';
        if (state.subloc == '/profile') return '/profile';
        if (state.subloc.contains('/order')) return '/order_history';
        return '/home';
      } else {
        if (state.subloc == '/home') {
          return '/home';
        if (state.subloc == '/products') {
          return '/products';
        } else {
          return '/login';

UPDATE 05/11 I find the solution.

First -> use the last version of go_router 5.1.5 (the redirect issue is on the older versions).

Second -> I modify the redirect logic:

if(!userAutheticated && !onloginPage && !onpublicPage1 && !onPublicPage2 && !onPublicPageN){
        return '/login';
      if (userAutheticated && onloginPage) {
        return '/home';
      //you must include this. so if condition not meet, there is no redirect
      return null;

Note: I don't know why flutter web debug mode doesn't work properly. So I run the project on release mode and Voilá, it's works!.

Thanks So Much for the help!!!

CodePudding user response:

Change initialLocation to login

  late final GoRouter _goRouter = GoRouter(
    refreshListenable: GoRouterRefreshStream(sessionCubit.stream),
    // Change initialLocation to login
    initialLocation: APP_PAGE.home.toPath,

CodePudding user response:

just check if your user is authenticated and not in login page, then redirect. you dont need to redirect if you user already login :

    final bool userAutheticated = sessionCubit.state is Authenticated;

    final bool onloginPage = state.subloc == '/login';

    if(!userAutheticated && !onloginPage){
      return '/login';
    if(userAutheticated && onloginPage){
      return 'home';
    //you must include this. so if condition not meet, there is no redirect
    return null;
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