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Automatic creation of table of frequencies


I have search a way to improve the efficacity of my code. This is my data : Data =

Type District
A 1
B 1
A 2
C 1
B 1
C 2
A 2

I want to obtain a table like this :

1 2
A Freq Freq
B Freq Freq
C Freq Freq

With Freq the frequency of type (i.e A) for each District 1 and 2 (so the (1,1) case should be =1). My code is very "manual" now :

test<-join_all(list(test1,test2,test3),by="Var1",type="left") #Var1 is created by R and corresponds to the districts
test <- data.frame(test[,-1], row.names = test[,1])

What I want to be able to do, is to find a function that can do this without having to create manually all these tes1/2/3 dataframes (because in this example I have 3 modalities, but for my real problem I have 9 Types for 31 districts so it is very inefficient). I imagine that whith maybe sapply or a function like that that would be good, but I don't know how to formulate the code. Can someone help me ?

Thanks you !

CodePudding user response:


df %>%  
  count(Type, District) %>%  
  pivot_wider(names_from = District, 
              values_from = n)

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Type    `1`   `2`
  <chr> <int> <int>
1 A         1     2
2 B         2    NA
3 C         1     1

CodePudding user response:

using data.table package:


dcast(as.data.table(df), Type ~ District, fun=length)

     Type     1     2
1:      A     1     2
2:      B     2     0
3:      C     1     1

CodePudding user response:

test <- as.data.frame(unclass(table(Data)))
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