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How do I position ViewPager Indicator CenterHorizontally in JetPack Compose


I'm practicing ViewPager in JetPack compose which is experimental right now.

I was able to successfully make a basic view pager, but when trying to add an indicator, I get an error: Cannot access 'ColumnScopeInstance': it is internal in 'androidx.compose.foundation.layout'

Indicator code; (please keep in keep I already imported it) enter image description here

I tried looking for answers, I found a similar problem problem enter image description here

Then create another Composable with no scope such as

private fun NonScopeSample(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {

    Box(modifier) {

And try calling

NonScopeSample(modifier = Modifier
    .border(2.dp, Color.Cyan)) {
    ) {


    ) {


you will get compile error because Modifier.align is not a generic Modifier as i mentioned above.

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