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TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not 'tuple'


I want to write dictionary contents to file and save. I just got this message: TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not 'tuple'

#Creation of dictionary
final_dict = {}
final_dict1 = {} 

(['file_name'], ['binary'], ['type'])

outputfile = open('XXXXX.pptx', 'wb')
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [34], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 outputfile = open('XXXXX.pptx', 'wb')
----> 2 outputfile.write(base64.b64decode(V1))
      3 outputfile.close()

File ~\Anaconda3\lib\base64.py:80, in b64decode(s, altchars, validate)
     65 def b64decode(s, altchars=None, validate=False):
     66     """Decode the Base64 encoded bytes-like object or ASCII string s.
     68     Optional altchars must be a bytes-like object or ASCII string of length 2
     78     in the input result in a binascii.Error.
     79     """
---> 80     s = _bytes_from_decode_data(s)
     81     if altchars is not None:
     82         altchars = _bytes_from_decode_data(altchars)

File ~\Anaconda3\lib\base64.py:45, in _bytes_from_decode_data(s)
     43     return memoryview(s).tobytes()
     44 except TypeError:
---> 45     raise TypeError("argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII "
     46                     "string, not %r" % s.__class__.__name__) from None

TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not 'tuple'

Note: What I expect to write to the variable:


CodePudding user response:

To be written to a file, objects first need to be converted to str or bytes object depending on the writing mode (see Methods of File Objects):

with open(file_name, "w") as file:
    file.write(str( my_object ))

If you want to encode (not decode) it in base64 just call b64encode on str(my_object).encode() in binary mode

If instead, you want to decode the values of your dictionary before writing it, then just construct a new dictionary {k: b64decode(v) for k, v in old_dict.items()}

Also, since you used json as a tag, have a look at json.dump (Saving structured data with json)

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