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How to execute variable number of async calls(coming dynamically at runtime) serially?


I am making a chrome extension (mv3). Based on user activity, the content.js passes a message to the background.js which then calls an async function to add data in Google Docs using Docs API.

I want each request to execute only after the previous one has finished running. I am using chrome.runtime.sendMessage to send a message from content.js and don't see a way of calling background.js serially from there. So I need a way of executing them one by one in background.js only. The order of these requests is also important (but if the order of the requests gets changed by one/two places, I think that would still be okay from a user perspective).

I tried something and it is working but I am not sure if I am missing some edge cases, because I was unable to find the approach in any other answers -

The approach I used is: I use a stack like structure to store requests, use setInterval to check for any pending requests and execute them serially.




let addToDocInterval = "";
let addToDocCalls = [];

async function addToDoc(msg) {
    // Await calls to doc API

async function addToDocHelper() {
    if(addToDocCalls.length === 0)


    while(addToDocCalls.length > 0) {
        let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
        await addToDoc(msg);

    addToDocInterval = setInterval(addToDocHelper, 1000);

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
    // Some other logic

addToDocInterval = setInterval(addToDocHelper, 1000);

Is this approach correct? Or is there any better way to do this?

CodePudding user response:

I'd suggest changing several things.

  1. Don't use timers polling the array. Just initiate processing the array anytime you add a new item to the array.
  2. Keep a flag on whether if you're already processing the array so you don't start duplicate processing.
  3. Use a class to encapsulate this functionality into an object.
  4. Encapsulate the addToDocCalls array and adding to it so your class is managing it and outside code just calls a function to add to it which also triggers the processing. Basically, you're making it so callers don't have to know how the insides work. They just call helper.addMsg(msg) and the class instance does all the work.

Here's an implementation:

async function addToDoc(msg) {
    // Await calls to doc API

class docHelper {
    constructor() {
        this.addToDocCalls = [];
        this.loopRunning = false;
    addMsg(msg) {
        // add item to the queue and initiate processing of the queue
    async process() {
        // don't run this loop twice if we're already running it
        if (this.loopRunning) return;

        try {
            this.loopRunning = true;
            // process all items in the addToDocCalls we have
            while(this.addToDocCalls.length > 0) {
                let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
                await addToDoc(msg);
        } finally {
            this.loopRunning = false;  

const helper = new docHelper();

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
    // Some other logic

So, process() will run until the array is empty. Any interim calls to addMsg while process() is running will add more items to array and will call process() again, but the loopRunning flag will keep it from starting duplicate processing loops. If addMsg() is called while process is not running, it will start the process loop.

P.S. You also need to figure out what sort of error handling you want if addToDoc(msg) rejects. This code protects the this.loopRunning flag if it rejects, but doesn't actually handle a reject error. In code like this that is processing a queue, often times all you can really do is log the error and move on, but you need to decide what is the proper course of action on a rejection.

CodePudding user response:

You don't need to use setTimeout. You do not even need a while loop.

let addToDocInterval = "";
let addToDocCalls = [];
let running = false;

async function addToDoc(msg) {
    // Await calls to doc API

async function addToDocHelper() {
    if(running || addToDocCalls.length === 0)

    running = true;

    let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
    await addToDoc(msg);

    running = false;


chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
    // Some other logic

The code should be self explanatory. There is no magic.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a generic way to run async tasks sequentially (and add more tasks to the queue at any time).

const tasks = [];
let taskInProgress = false;
async function qTask(newTask) {
  if (newTask) tasks.push(newTask);
  if (tasks.length === 0) return;
  if (taskInProgress) return;

  const nextTask = tasks.shift();
  taskInProgress = true;
  try {
    await nextTask();
  } finally {
    taskInProgress = false;
    //use setTimeout so call stack can't overflow
    setTimeout(qTask, 0);

//the code below is just used to demonstrate the code above works

async function test() {
  console.log(`queuing first task`);
  qTask(async () => {
    await delay(500); //pretend this task takes 0.5 seconds
    console.log('first task started');
    throw 'demonstrate error does not ruin task queue';
    console.log('first task finished');

  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i  ) {
    console.log(`queuing task ${i}`)
    qTask(async () => {
      await delay(200); //pretend this task takes 0.2 seconds
      console.log(`task ${i} ran`);

  await delay(1000); //wait 1 second

  console.log(`queuing extra task`);
  qTask(async () => {
    console.log('extra task ran');

  await delay(3000); //wait 3 seconds

  console.log(`queuing last task`);
  qTask(async () => {
    console.log('last task ran');

function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);

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