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Popular science stick: all kinds of wallet on NFC, various relations of flash pay (original)


Myself flicking on the various NFC wallet, relationship of various flash pay made the following flow charts and summary, there is wrong place please point out to

Because I'm using the millet mobile phone, with an example of millet, so if you use a huawei phone, in this paper, there are "millet wallet" where you will see it as a "huawei wallet"; There are "MiPay" where you will see it as "HuaweiPay", apple and samsung in the same way,

1. There are three kinds of NFC mode, if your phone supports three modes, now that it's fully functional NFC, one less all not line, are gimped NFC,

2. Previously, millet purse does not support adding jingdong flash pay, pay attention to what I said is ago, at that time, jingdong flash pay level and MiPay is flat, the relationship between unrelated, flash to pay to use jingdong, must be the first mobile phone to switch to the default purse "HCE wallet", and then in touch payment default payment application select "jingdong - jingdong flash pay",

3. MiPay do activities is unionpay or millet subsidies, jingdong pay do activities is jingdong subsidies, the two different organizations,

4. With the development of mobile payment progress, now pay can be added to the jingdong flash MiPay went inside, and there are activities, can also enjoy MiPay (unionpay) activity + jingdong pay activity, the

5. Discount amount deducted order: jingdong flash pay official is explained, if meet the unionpay reduce the condition, first cut unionpay, reduced after unionpay preferential order amount also meet jingdong pay reduce the conditions, the flash will be a reduction of jingdong pay, (here I have a little don't understand, 30 words fee is filled in the multipoint APP, can at the same time enjoy the unionpay 20 minus 10 yuan, and jingdong pay full 20 minus 7.18 activity, the but charge 30 words fee pay only 29.97 yuan, if lose first unionpay preferential 10 yuan, with 19.97, arguably, no longer meets the conditions of jingdong flash pay activities, but in fact, the test result can be both at the same time, don't know whether I more bugs)

6. Use MiPay payment, if two activities at the same time enjoy, can only see unionpay lost how many money, reduce the amount paid in jingdong flash could not see, want to go to jingdong financial APP to see bill, or directly to see how much card buckle
7. ESE mode of data stored in mobile phone embedded chip, the highest level of security, flash and the restoration of the factory will not delete the inside of the data;
HCE model data stored in the corresponding APP, flash, restore factory, uninstall the APP all would the clearance drop;
SWP data stored in the NFC SIM card, you also need to do more than other mobile phone card support NFC,

Look from the current development trend, HCE wallet and SWP wallet has many restrictions, will gradually be eliminated, eSE mode wallet will become the mainstream (i.e. millet wallet, purse, huawei apple purse... ), currently unionpay, each big mobile phone manufacturer, each big APP are pushing eSE mode wallet (millet wallet, purse, huawei apple purse... ), all kinds of subsidies and is aimed at the wallet and also for the HCE wallet and SWP purse activity basic could not see, eSE mode wallet in addition to the application on the mobile payment, can also be applied in public transportation card, access control card, now can see all kinds of mobile phone bus card, entrance card is based on basic eSE model development, the future eSE mode wallet will have more applications,
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