I am trying to create a function miles to KM, but the result is float and does not transform it. Distance: is a column in integer format.
the function 'miles_a_KM' receives the parameter miles, which is an integer column.
def miles_to_KM(miles):
MIc = 1.609344
km = miles * MIc
the problem.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [8], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 miles_to_KM('Distance')
Input In [7], in miles_to_KM(miles)
1 def miles_to_KM(miles):
2 MIc = 1.609344
----> 3 km = miles * MIc
4 return(pd.DataFrame({'km':km}).fillna(0))
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
CodePudding user response:
Looks like when you call the function your input parameter is a string. Not sure if you only want to convert 1 value in the column to miles, however, to access the value from the dataframe you may want to try miles_to_KM(dataframename.iloc[0]["Distance"]
The error come from trying to multiply a string value by a float, this could be possible using an integer such as
def mile_to_KM(miles):
MIc = 2
return MIc * miles
and so mile_to_KM("Distance")
would output Distance Distance
. Hope this makes the error message makes a bit more sense now as using a float to multiply a string would not compute.
CodePudding user response:
Why not simply using pandas.Series.div
#dataset: http://ksgleditsch.com/data/capdist.csv
MIc = 1.60934
df["milesdist"]= df["kmdist"].div(MIc).round(2)
# Output :
ida idb kmdist milesdist
0 UKR TUR 1231 764.91
1 FIN NIC 9962 6190.12
2 SUR BUI 9430 5859.54
3 CAN ZAN 12416 7714.96
4 SYR MSI 13081 8128.18
5 BEL CHN 8080 5020.69
6 NEP NTH 7034 4370.74
7 GRG GFR 3119 1938.06
8 TKM THI 4953 3077.66
9 AZE BOS 2611 1622.40