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Convert txt file to csv, separation specific lines to column


I am currently try to have the data like this

noms sommets
0000 Abbesses
0001 Alexandre Dumas
coord sommets
0000 308 536
0001 472 386
0002 193 404

The data should be like this when converted to csv, the data should has three columns

nom sommets coord sommets
0000 Abbesses 308 536

However, everything in the data is a straight line and hard to deal with. What is the solution for this. I try to convert it from txt to csv.

CodePudding user response:

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

f = Path("data.txt")

lines = [[], []]
file_num = 0

for line in f.read_text().split("\n"):
    if not line:
    if line.startswith("coord"):
        file_num = 1

def get_df(data):
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df1.columns = df1.iloc[0]
    df1 = df1.drop(index=0)
    df1.columns.name = None
    return df1

df1 = get_df(lines[0])
df2 = get_df(lines[1])

df2.columns = [df1.columns[0], " ".join(df2.columns)]

res = pd.merge(df1, df2, how="outer", on="noms")
#    noms          sommets coord sommets
# 0  0000         Abbesses       308 536
# 1  0001  Alexandre Dumas       472 386
# 2  0002         NaN       193 404

Edit: to resolve the encoding issue pass the encoding you want to read_text().

for line in f.read_text(encoding="latin-1").split("\n"):

CodePudding user response:

without imports you can do this.

There's some safety checks due to the noise in the data.

Also, I'm using a dict as they are extremely fast when trying to find key/value pairs.

with open("metro", encoding="latin-1") as infile:
    data = infile.read().splitlines()

nom_start = "noms sommets"
coord_start = "coord sommets"
end = "arcs values"
mode = None

# use a dict as lookups on dicts are stupidly fast.
result = {}

for line in data:
    # this one is needed due to the first line
    if mode == None:
        if line == nom_start:
            mode = nom_start
    line = line.strip()
    # safety check
    if line != "":
        if line == end:
            # skip the end data
        key, value = line.split(maxsplit=1)
        if mode == nom_start:
            if line != coord_start:
                result[key] = {"sommets": value}
                mode = coord_start
            result[key]["coord sommets"] = value

# CSV separator
SEP = ";"
with open("output.csv", "w", encoding="latin-1") as outfile:
    # CSV header
    outfile.write(f"noms{SEP}sommets{SEP}coord sommets\n")
    for key, val in result.items():
        outfile.write(f'{key}{SEP}{val["sommets"]}{SEP}{val["coord sommets"]}\n')

CodePudding user response:

Quite an interesting problem. I'm assuming the file contains more columns, or sets of key/variables, than just in the example. So you wouldn't want to hard-code the column names.

I would create an new empty dataframe, then read the input file line-by-line, check if it is the next new column name (not starting with digits), build a dictionary with those new values, and then keep merging that dictionary as a new columns into the new dataframe.

So I would do something like this:

import pandas as pd

# create an Empty DataFrame object
df_new = pd.DataFrame({"recordkey": []})

# read all input lines
inputfilename = "inputfile.txt"
file1 = open(inputfilename, 'r')
Lines = file1.readlines()

tmpdict = {}
colname = ""

# iterate through all lines
for idx in range(len(Lines)):
    line = Lines[idx]
    # this is assuming all keys are exactly 4 digits
    iscolname = not (line[:4].isdigit())
    if not iscolname:
        # split on the first space for key and value
        tmp = line.split(" ", 1)
        getkey = tmp[0].strip()
        getvalue = tmp[1].strip()

        # add to dictionary
        tmpdict[getkey] = getvalue

    # new column or last line
    if iscolname or idx == len(Lines)-1:
        # new column (except skip for first line of file)
        if colname != "":
            # create new column from dictionary
            df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(tmpdict.items(), columns=["recordkey", colname])
            df_new = df_new.merge(df_tmp, how='outer', on='recordkey')

        # keep new column name
        colname = line.strip()
        tmpdict = {}

# display dataframe

# write dataframe to csv
fileoutput = "outputfile.csv"
df_new.to_csv(fileoutput, sep=",", index=False)
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