I am wondering how I can make a function execute such as making a text box appear when "Yes" option is clicked. How can I do this as the Yes is part of a radio input type in JS? I prefer an answer in vanilla javascript. It would help a lot! Thank You!
document.querySelector("label[for=ediet]").style.opacity = "100%"; //RIGHT
document.getElementById("edietq").style.opacity = "100%";
function init( ) {
var f = document.getElementsByName("form1");
f[0].addEventListener("submit", validateForm);
var yes = document.querySelector("label[for=ediet]");
yes.addEventListener("click", yesClicked);
var showT = document.getElementById("edietq");
showT.addEventListener("click", yesClicked);
window.onload = init; ```
<input type="radio" id="yes" name="option">
<label for="yes" id="yesq" value = "option">Yes</label><br><br>
<input type="radio" id="no" name="option">
<label for="No">No</label><br><br>
<label for="ediet">If yes, explain your dietary restrictions</label><br>
<input type="text" id="edietq" name="edietq"><br><br> <!-- Explain Diet-->
CodePudding user response:
You can create a class that the display is none
display: none
Leave pre added in the input to be hidden
<input type="text" id="edietText" name="edietq">
And make a function that removes this class
const yesInput = document.getElementById("yes")
yesInput.addEventListener("click", yesClicked);
function yesClicked(){
let textExp = document.getElementById("edietText");
And you can do something like this too:
const yesInput = document.getElementById("yes");
const noInput = document.getElementById("no");
const textExp = document.getElementById("edietText");
yesInput.addEventListener("click", yesClicked);
noInput.addEventListener("click", noClicked);
function yesClicked(){
function noClicked(){
const yesInput = document.getElementById("yes");
const noInput = document.getElementById("no");
const textExp = document.getElementById("edietText");
yesInput.addEventListener("click", yesClicked);
noInput.addEventListener("click", noClicked);
function yesClicked(){
function noClicked(){
display: none
<input type="radio" id="yes" name="option">
<label for="yes" id="yesq" value = "option">Yes</label>
<input type="radio" id="no" name="option">
<label for="no">No</label><br><br>
<label for="ediet">If yes, explain your dietary restrictions</label><br>
<input type="text" id="edietText" name="edietq">
<br><br> <!-- Explain Diet-->
CodePudding user response:
Use the onclick
event listener as shown below:
document.getElementById("dark").addEventListener("click", (e) => {
document.body.style.background = "black"
document.body.style.color = "white"
document.getElementById("light").addEventListener("click", (e) => {
document.body.style.background = "white"
document.body.style.color = "black"
<label>Toggle Dark Mode</label>
<input type="radio" name="theme" id="dark" />
<label>Toggle Light Mode</label>
<input type="radio" name="theme" id="light" />
Adjust the code to suit your usecase.